Madsense #2. Michael Cheney's Adsense Videos

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Jul 12, 2006
You see them all over the web; internet marketers pushing the next best technology or "secrets" for immediate wealth. Whether it's adsense, affiliate sales or digital products they make you promises they don't always keep. Well, Madsense does not fall for the marketing hoop-la and cuts through the bullshit. We expose the hype so you can see when the opportunity is real or just false advertising wrapped up in garbage spin.

#2. Michael Cheney's Adsense Videos

Michael Cheney's Adsense Videos ( are still being stuffed down my throat by affiliates trying to grab their share of the "buzz".

For ages we've had reports and strategies for achieving "riches" with Google Adsense and letting us in on the "secrets" of amazing wealth.

But Cheney came up with the gimmick that's now copied everywhere; online videos.

Instead of someone telling you how to change your adsense border colour you can now WATCH someone doing it. Wow, that's got to be worth £97.00!

The web page has the mandatory adsense earnings screenshot showing Michael earned $19,156.42 in one month and because that just wasn't enough he needs to give away all his secrets and increase his earnings by $97.00.

Man, this guy just can't stop making money! I know that if I'd found a way to make $19k a month I'd tell everyone how to do it so they can diminish my revenue stream.

Cheney is such a great guy he's decided there's so much bad advice on Google Adsense that he's going to share his "secrets". Although, it's not that big of a secret as loads of his friends have provided testimonials on how they increased their earnings by changing the background colour of their ads. So many people in fact that it took me three days to scroll through all the testimonials on how great his videos were.

When I finally got to the end I found out that the videos were so good I would get a bonus as well. Heaven forbid the actual product was worth anything on its own, but I get a lot of other shit as well - all worth $157.00 each but I get it for free. Man Cheney is so kind!

If you take the time to research Adsense you'll quickly learn the real secrets are good blending with your web pages, correct ad placement, correct ad size and most importantly TRAFFIC!

Some of the shittiest looking sites get lots of Adsense revenue because they get lots of TRAFFIC and lots of TRAFFIC means lots of CLICKS!

Everyone spouts on about how learning one Adsense change from Cheney's videos increased their CTR but if nobody finds your website with the crappy images you placed above your ads you still won't make any money.

Madsense admits the total newbie will benefit from learning how to blend ads, change placement and choose ad sizes by watching the videos but he could have learnt all that by searching the web - places such as the Google Adsense page!

Madsense rates Michael Cheney's Adsense Videos as 1 damp wick

I can't hate on the guy. Simply for the fact that he is making tons of money doing something that most people have thought of but didn't take the time to actually do it.
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