"Made for AdSense" & google's TOS question...

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New member
May 24, 2007
Okay so I have read over Google's TOS a few times today and read a ton, but I am still unclear. My question is what exactly about arbitrage does Google not like?

If I had a blog, wrote a few original and quality articles, placed just 1 or two adsense blocks on it (not enough to be considered spammy) and then bought cheap traffic from a tier 2 search engine in hopes that they read an article or two, and then click an ad... would this violate Googles TOS? I know that having just a full page of ads above competitive keywords is bad... But is this why google bans or is it that you are not allowed to buy traffic at all? If so what is considered a legitimate traffic source other than SEO? What constitutes "made for adsense", as I am pretty sure that any web site I ever design will be in hopes of revinue...

And yes, I know that there are better ways to make monies online and that arbi died along with 2007... but I still want to give this technique a shot and start making a little bit of extra cash to use to start testing out some ppc AM campaigns, and I would be pissed if I made some noob mistake and got the google ban hammer, so thanks for the help.

The trick to arbitrage, and correct me if I'm wrong anyone, is that now you do need a multipage site to pull it off. I believe Google felt like people were being deceived with the one page common internet information pages plastered with ads.
Whoever said arbitrage is dead has weak PPC game or is entirely reliant on Google's stuff, which is just stupid.
I'm not doing it myself, but the theory behind it still holds up
It's just about scale. There are plenty of places you can still get paid $0.50 a click, and plenty more places you can send traffic to your site for $0.10... The trick is to have enough sites and enough ads to do the kind of volume you're missing out on now that you can't do it with Google.
Okay so just to clarify, it is fine for adsense if I buy tier 2 traffic and send it to my site so long as it has a few pages of original content and does not look extremely spammy?
I'm actually really curious about this too. Doesn't adsense ban your site if the CTR is something out of the norm? I thought that rendered arbitrage useless, atleast with adsense
The trick is not to use a MFA site as your landing page. Google does not generally like that. If you can find a yahoo feed that allows PPC you can use adwords to drive traffic. You need quality traffic that will convert for the advertisers. If your drive crap traffic nobody will want it.

I haven't done arbi for about a year, so things may have changed for better or for worse.
The trick to successful arbitrage is when you set up your strategy, take all the information from any ebook you see on the subject and place all that information into the "things not to do" category.
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