Lurch Needs Your Help!


New member
Apr 25, 2017

Hello everyone!

Recently a group of us launched an agency aimed at SEO / Paid / Email - we just expanded our services to Video / Web Dev and Social Media. (nothing black hat - although one person fucked up and is getting us back links from dev sites)

Now - I know what you guys are going to say "Nostradamus you picked the worst time to start this" - yes, yes we did.

Unfortunately I've been pushing this project for 2 years and then it just got green lit in January - SO! I have to make due with what I have and keep pushing forward because I'm a stubborn son of a bitch.

I'm hoping one of you WF masters can smack us across the face with a dildo and suggest some areas where to find clients or on which one to keep pushing.

This is a list of all the avenues that have been attempted - some with success others with limited to no success

1. Referral (Friend of a friend)
pro: We closed 1 of 1
con: We cannot survive off of this

2. AdWords (search & display)
pro: Reaches people instantly - had two leads come in at $150 which we didn't close.
con: We can't keep spending without establishing some sort of "organic / direct" source medium to bring in clients on the side.

3. Craigslist (posts)
pro: Free
con: We had over 30 posts that were 2 weeks old from different accounts flagged and removed in one day which wiped out all the work from those 2 weeks.

4. Google Partner Program
pro: Makes us look legitimate
con: They changed the requirements a month from getting our premier badge

5. Cold Calling Wasteful AdWords Companies
pro: Easy to do - search for keywords on which companies shouldn't be advertising on
con: Very long funnel and no success

6. Cold Calling weak SEO businesses and enticing them with higher rankings
pro: We can definitely achieve this - we actually got in touch with decision makers at a hotel chain with this (although I did kind of push my way to them)
con: Very long funnel and no results of client capture so far

7. Organic / SEO - this is a long term goal, we picked a niche in marketing to expand off of.
pro: Not much competition in part of the niche
con: A shit ton of competition regionally, nationally and internationally - also the whole industry gets a crappy quality score from the get go - so the pace at which the site gets search traffic is quite slow - also had some SEO blunders which have put us back -_-

8. Searching all craigslist posts and sending out e-mails - the new age cold calling.
pro: it boosts organic/direct
con: didn't pan out worth shit

9. Social media (G+, Twitter, FB)
pro: easy to do
con: hasn't panned out worth shit and our linkedin account got shut down for no reason - barely spend 20 minutes on it per day

Other avenues not yet explored

Press Releases - we have a crap ton to publish through PRWeb, however we haven't pushed yet because our site needs work and I'm waiting for the developer to get his shit together.

Partnerships - we created a partnership with a decent company from Europe to handle our web dev and design for clients. This move wasn't made as a direct client capture venture but more of a way to be able to provide the client with full service capabilities.

Word of mouth - this one can only happen when we grow the portfolio

We have a nice office - we have a 'meh' website - we have actual clients that pay us (although most were legacy and 1 was new in the last 6 months) the name of the company is a bit wacky (if you put web and croppers together you get the name of the company - I don't want to link as it will dominate the search engine results and then it exposes us to anyone with a slightly above average IQ from seeing this thread - that's how thin the back linking is) but I truly believe in the work we do - so here I am, in the depths of WF asking for help.



Gmail phone number verification thread got more views than this and it didn't even have favicon boobs.

What a miserable attempt of community brainstorming this was.

Anyone who contributes to this thread get's a complimentary technical SEO audit on whatever site they want.
Gmail phone number verification thread got more views than this and it didn't even have favicon boobs.

What a miserable attempt of community brainstorming this was.

Anyone who contributes to this thread get's a complimentary technical SEO audit on whatever site they want.

I run a successful agency (since 2008) and coming here looking for recommendations on finding clients is like hunting giraffes in Antarctica.

What the fuck are you thinking?

If you want niche specific clients get involved in the niche. Become a thought leader. Make fucking waves..

My agency is in one niche with a subset of the niche. I have never made a fuckng sales call and we do 330K per month in invoicing. (150K is ad spend for clients.) All leads are inbound where people search me out.

We got a nice office and my assistant has big tits. My content chick has big tits. I have 4 other chicks that do various mundane shit that all have nice tits. My inhouse designer is a kid I hired in high school he and I talk about all the chicks tits.