Lp picture slicing question


New member
Sep 14, 2008

Anyone know how or what tool can be used to slice up the pictures as in the above LP?

I love the look, but that 'one' pic is MANY. Possibly so no one can clone it easily.

And, no I'm not 'outing' the LP. They aren't even involved in affiliate marketing. I just like the concept/look.


Not on purpose. I had cut and paste from PPC.

So, because he has been banned, all that touch the uncleansed are stoned? How about taking off your jack boots off, put the Pabst down, and give a little pertinent input.
use the slicing tool in photoshop.

Or Fireworks CS4 if you have it - much better. But if you are looking to make any kind of serious site, pay someone to code it. Slicing is easy as hell though for a one page lander or something.
use the slicing tool in photoshop.

Meh while it seems good in pratice is possibly one of the worst ways (aside from using an image map of your flattened file) to slice a site. Primarily because the output is large in file size since it uses 'slices' of images, and makes it difficult to edit anything graphically without re-slicing.

When I slice from a PSD to xhtml, I actually export peices that I need, like the background layer, or a button without anything else, and so on so that not only does the page load faster and is smaller, as well as having a cleaner CSS code that has better cross browser compatibility, but also is easier for the client or myself to edit, move , or add content without having to reslice the design.

Example of such a PSD to xHTML/css slice I did.
