Lowest website traffic in 2010 today and tommorow?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
i noticed over 40% less visitors today and guess it will stay over the weekend as the world celebrate christmas. just wondering are you guys noticing this too?

I have a finance related niche site. am sure shopping and greetings sites might be getting lot of visitors this weekend.

I report the same too for this weekend, worse traffic but income remains the same, seems like advertiser are paying more to advertise on Christmas.
i agree depends on the niche as i said prolly no one is worried about their financials over the weekend as people just enjoy and spend money. Shopping sites will get the most traffic and greetings, food, recipes sites will explode
Kinda sad how the world seems to grind to a halt for Christmas... Gotta figure everything will pick up again on Sunday or Monday.. It's funny I always have increased sales for the holiday season.. But the actual holidays themselves always see to mess things up.. Too many people caring to much about their families and not enough about my products :)
Super glad I postponed a media buy till the 27th!

Its not a Christmas related niche and I had a feeling that traffic would drop like crazy over the next few days.

And when your doing a flat time based buy, that shit can hurt!
My Adsense earnings are down by more than 75% over the past 2 days. Having said that, they've been up big time every other day this month so I can't complain.
i noticed over 40% less visitors today and guess it will stay over the weekend as the world celebrate christmas. just wondering are you guys noticing this too?

I have a finance related niche site. am sure shopping and greetings sites might be getting lot of visitors this weekend.
This is to be expected, new years will be bad too. Just keep hustlin bro, I built another site today, gotta get that 2011 money... ;)
traffic is bad, conversions are bad... as expected. I think I might just close the laptop and get drunk for the next 2 days...

scratchin' my head trying to figure out why my Memorial Day keychain site is converting like crazy today