Lowest payout you've made profitable with display traffic?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
What's the lowest payout you guys have been able to turn into a profitable, scalable, display campaign? Having focused on traffic sources other than display for my affiliate stuff, I'm about to begin a campaign and I'm curious what sort of payout level I should start testing at (yes, obviously vertical and offer matter quite a bit, but humor me). I've run some quick numbers and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that direct linking a $1.50 email submit is hopeless unless you have phenomenal KPIs. I'm assuming some sort of remarketing funnel (ie. email) is needed to make these anywhere near profitable.

I've run some display previously for a lead-gen offer for a Client I was on a monthly rate for and was seeing CPA's of $2.50 or so once things were dialed-in on a free web-based game for one of the top toy brands in the US (not Pokemon but at that level), but affiliate offers obviously don't have the huge brand awareness to leverage on that front.

Not looking for offer details or anything like that, but any experiences in what sort of payout/funnel is needed to make display even borderline profitable would be really helpful.

Oh, and tits.


Did you forget something? Be quick or you get banned...

Um...am I missing something here? Tits were posted--what is the problem? I've posted plenty of tits before and never had a response like this. Honestly confused here.

Upon rereading the rules (haven't looked at them in 3 years) it appears that tits are only allowed in the Shooting the shit forum. Any mods, kindly delete the image as my edit window has closed. Thanks and apologies.
Um...am I missing something here? Tits were posted--what is the problem? I've posted plenty of tits before and never had a response like this. Honestly confused here.

Upon rereading the rules (haven't looked at them in 3 years) it appears that tits are only allowed in the Shooting the shit forum. Any mods, kindly delete the image as my edit window has closed. Thanks and apologies.

I see no tits:

Thanks for the screen cap Cardine. Must have been showing the cached version when I previewed it. In any event, fail indeed. This is what I get for late night posts.

Anybody care to answer the question sans tits?
What is the difference between a wholesale supplier and affiliate marketing?

I want to start an online business and I am not sure what is the difference between a wholesale supplier and affiliate marketing.
On a serious note - $0.9 and it was quite profitable. Game FB installs on other side (they are sometimes even lower) never was profitable for me, while doing arbitrage.
My Client was not Pogo. They were a top 3 US toy manufacturer (with cartoons, video games, the works).

Seolinker, that $0.9 payout was profitable for you doing CPM display buys? That's awesome. What were you using for your DSP? Were you buying RTB inventory?
Oh, then that's not really "traditional" display. DSP = Demand Side Platform...basically a platform like AdWords for buying display media.