Low payouts on network

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New member
Mar 26, 2009
I joined a couple networks recently, many on your favorites lists. I've noticed one of the networks just pays a lot lower than the other. (ok to name names?)

Do I:

a) ask my AM to up the payout?
b) just send traffic to the low paying network then show them i can send traffic and then ask for a bump in pay?
c) just deal with the higher paying network and look for other exlusive offers on teh low paying one.

If for example the majority of networks is paying $35 for acai, and this network is paying $28....wtf right?

i know different networks are better for certain offers, but this is a big difference.

Stop asking.... TELL your AM what you need. If he does not give it to you, go to another network. Obviously some offers perform better than others, but look for the same exact offer on multiple networks and see what they are streeting it at. Some networks get brokered deals from other networks.

PM me if you are looking for something in particular. I know them all....
Don't be afraid to ask. The worst they can say is no. If you tell them that X affiliate network has the same offer they should be able to meet it or beat it. If they give you some bullshit that you have to send traffic tell them to fuck off and take your traffic else where. Don't act like the affiliate network is doing you a favor by paying you your doing them favor by sending your traffic to them. Stick to the bigger affiliate networks some of the 2nd tier networks will tell you to send traffic first. They make money regardless.

I produced like 30k leads for a dating offer in like a two month time. Well the offer started to drop really badly pretty much epc cut in half. So I told my AM well he gave me a $.50 bump. I couldn't believe it cause I thought I was bumped up enough. Well long story short I missed out on 15k profit just because I didn't ask for the max payout.
I know the same thing......

A AM IMed me the other day asking to promote an offer at $25.5 , and I told her there was no way I'd do that. She then bumped it to $36.....

Crazy stuff - Always ask your AM before you run an offer , sometimes they can really offer insight to it.
Usually all networks will bump to compete, you can usually even blag it. Some ask for screen shots, some don't.

Some might ask for some history first or ask for volume, but fuck - don't be scared of your AM. They are an asset to your business and not a threat.
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