Lots of traffic but no leads on an offer that usually does well


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I've been running a CPA offer for the past few weeks and it has been doing very well, today I sent enough traffic that according to past results should have resulted in around 5-6 leads but instead I have 0.

Is that normal to happen every now and then? I'm trying to decide on if I should start the ads back up and let them average themselves out or just wait till tomorrow and hope everything is back to normal so I can make back my losses.

May just be an unlucky streak .. or your network has started to shave immensly which i doubt .. i suggest just sticking it out for another day to see if things pick back up
Yes it happens, the difference between 5 and 0 leads is usually not statistically significant unless your CVR is super low. I had an offer that converts at ~10% for me have 8 leads out of 15 clicks once, it happens, same offer has done ~75 clicks with no leads.
Thanks for the info guys, guess I'll let it keep running its course and just keep an eye on it.
Same traffic source, time of day and everything. I figure it's like what Miketpowell said and it will average back out over time.

I probably just got a little over paranoid since I'm still new to this.
if it doesn't pick back up, you might consider asking your AM to do a test lead (if you trust the network) and make sure the offer is tracking.. or if it's a credit card-required offer, that their credit card processing is still up. ;)
When you're working with such low volume like 5-6 leads then this can happen by sheer variance, probably nothing to worry about.
Yeah, when I started my ads back up I got 7 leads from 8 clicks... almost scary how that all works out lol.
Good. Sometimes an offer can dry up though, so if you are really tapping a small market beward you dont oversaturate your buyers.