Looks like the Libya rebels have won

Yeah, they just snatched General Krazyman's sons and are on the move. Anytime you see the butler armed, it's not looking too good for you.
LOL sheeple believing the news

someone post the head-in-hands-pic

ALL NEWS = BULLSHIT - All part of the NEW WORLD ORDER game.

Hey mikecarquote,

They just offered a million dollars for whoever finds him.

He disappeared and his family.

Who wants to go Qaddafi hunting?:ak::2gunsfiring_v1::1orglaugh:

the cia is behind the rebels so of course they are winning.

it's all been planed bro. no surprise

cia gives them weapons, intel, supplies etc

pretty soon they will install a puppet government like they did with Syria

and the Egyptians will soon be dealing with another 30 years of oppression
They also said they're unfreezing Gaddafi's assets, and giving them to the rebels, $500m for fuel, $500m for infrastructure/wages, and $500m for something else, can't remember what.

That's nothing compared to what his actual assets likely are, though - while all the front page results for "gaddafi net worth" say it's ~$1billion, I think that's pretty unlikely (governments creating fake webpages?)... to quote a few things:

2002, Saddam Hussein paid Gaddafi $3.5 billion

2004, commending him as a new ally in the War on Terror. During his visit, Blair lobbied for the Royal Dutch Shell oil company, which secured a deal in Libya worth $500 million.

In 2010, Gaddafi agreed to pay US$3.5 billion to the victims of IRA terrorist attacks he assisted during the 1980s.

Not to mention stuff like the Gold sofa of his daughter as a mermaid...

(Libyan rebel posing on it)

This would never have happened if Condoleezza Rice was still secretary of state.