Looking to hire someone to build this simple program


New member
Dec 9, 2008
I have 2 programming jobs I need done, if you can complete ONE or both of them, please PM me we'll talk.

First Job:

I use something called Form2Email on my websites. People fill out the form (I can customize fields easily) and it goes straight to my email. This is perfect - EXCEPT I have the form on different product pages of my site, and I want it to REDIRECT the visitor to a different page, depending on the form they filled out (depending on which product they are asking about).

Form2email can only redirect someone to ONE page of choice, based on the script. I need something that can redirect to any page of choice - If I can alter a simple line of code on the website "redirect=here" etc, that would be best. Then I could continue placing forms long after you've done the work, and direct the visitor to ANY page (of my choice) once its filled out.

That's project one.

Project two:

IP Rental - API Information

This connects with API rental's API - I need a very simple piece of software built. I need to be able to load URLs into the program, and then this software grabs an IP with iprental, visits the URL, does nothing, and moves on to the next URL. This is to create impressions - no clicking or actions need to be taken, this is simply for unique impressions across domains or pages of choice. We can talk more specifics if your capable of such a program.

Budget on that program: $200

Budget on the form thing: $50

Hope to hear from someone