Looking to get an entry level computer support job


New member
May 14, 2008
I made a thread about getting an Seo job and ended up scratching the idea. Instead I figured I would just focus on getting into IT or Computer Tech Support.

For anyone who has or is currently working in one of these fields, how can I get my foot in the door.

I have no work experience in these fields nor do I have any kind of certifications of degree's. All I have is a diploma and 2 years+ magazine sales experience.

Any good resources that for help with resumes? I can search Google but I figured that alot of you on here have had success with this type of thing.

Can anyone offer any good advice. I really need a new job that will pay more until I can get this IM thing to be profitable. I can't support my daughter off this magazine job.

Or perhaps somebody here is hiring for their online business.

So where should I start?


Look into your local craigslist. Alot of times, small time PC repair shops will have openings for entry level people (no need for certifications or degrees). They will even teach you the ropes to get some relevant work experience under your belt.

On the other hand - You can try getting into your local cable company/isp. Alot of times they will take new recruits under a 90 day trainee period, where you get a lower salary, but after the 90 days - they will start you at a base $ / per hour, with potential for raises within the first 6 months. Although the day to day in this situation is draining on some people - it could be good money if you need it fast - as well as flexible work hours (alot of these companies may offer 3rd shift) if you need to keep your current day job.

good luck bro
Help desk jobs pay around 15 per hour, don't they? Also, if you aren't afraid of the sales process, maybe consider a better paying sales job?
I would suggest you to get into sales job as you got even experience too. If,not search in local job listings this could help you better.

Let us know where are you from exactly. So, that we can suggest you the best.
As mentioned above, you dont need certifications but if you wan to know the cheapest way to get schooled up and pass them then my advice is to:

-first look at the 'Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) ' (there is also a windows 7 version) certification

-Download video training CBT nuggets of torrent sites.
-Download cert past papers.

You will have to pay for the exam but i think its worth it considering the savings you are making on the training and plus you get a free resit option if you fail the first time.
Help desk jobs pay around 15 per hour, don't they?

I'd go with the help desk route if IT support is what you really want to do. I understand taking the job if you have to pay the bills for the time being but move on to bigger and better things ASAP, tech support is a dead end for 90% of the people in it.
I don't see tech support as a logical step if you have no work experience and desire to do something else full-time. Why do you think it's better than staying in sales?

I think your solution is to find a way to make money faster with AM or abandon it.
If you've got Best Buy in your area you could try there. I worked computer sales there for a little while before I ended up getting my job as an IT Support Specialist. I've now been at my job for over 5 years and have moved into a lot more areas than just tech support.

You could also pull something out of your ass and tell them you started your own company for x amount of years and it flopped. Then go on to tell them that you not only have experience with hardware and software, but you've also got a taste of what it takes to run a small business. Also mention that you've used some sort of project management and helpdesk software. That will be a bonus to get your foot in the door.

After you've compiled your resume, start sending it off to people on Craigslist and other local places. Start looking in the yellow pages for ANYTHING. If they've got an office, chances are they have some sort of IT staff...unless of course they outsource the shit out.
FACT: Unless you have SERIOUS experience in IT (starting prior to 2000) and EXCELLENT project management skills/successes AND A MASTERS degree, you likely won't break into management at any company worth working at, and will be stuck below $50K forever.

If you guys want to slave away as a server room grunt, while I leave at 2pm on a Tuesday to go drink beer and golf, then by all means get into tech support.

If you guys want to land a SECURE job in IT that actually pays well (90K+) then you need a degree (Joint IS+CS) and a masters in something SPECIFIC like Information Assurance, not a POS MBA...

Trust me when I say I've fired/not-hired dozens of MBAs and "jack of all trades - but master of none" jerkoffs for the simple reason they have NO CLUE about the big picture, only their little piece of the pie.

Learn to on-the-fly cost out a task and make the decision to proceed/stop, versus just starting in and it's done when it's done, no matter what time it took.

I feel so bloody sorry for guys getting into IT today. You're either stuck in a cube for 10 years, or you're laid off every 2-3 years. Only the guys with a BROAD and deep knowledge of tech ever get ahead.
I have been doing tech support for too long. I want to bang my head on the wall every time the phone rings. One of the best tech jobs I ever had was, don't laugh, geek squad. It didn't pay as much as a help desk, but the PC knowledge I gained was invaluable!