Looking to buy your breakeven PPC CPA campaigns


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Anyone looking to dump a PPC campaign that is either breaking even or making a slight profit/loss? If so, I may be interesting in buying it from you.

Why? I'm up for being transparent. I've got some solid PPC experience, so could have a crack at optimising it into a position of better ROI. But I mainly just want to crank up spend on my credit card, so something that breaks even achieves that.

Ahhh... Good ole rewards points arbitrage... :D

Yep, I'm basically trying to rack up some 'manufactured spend' as they call it amongst travel hackers. Figure running PPC campaigns would be out of reach for most folk, but something I could potentially handle.

Guess the ideal setup would be to find a campaign that has something like a $1k/day spend on Facebook ads and making say $10/day profit. The owner might want to ditch that so that they can better manage cashflow/credit, but to me I can make something of it.

A couple of people have already reached out to me, so I must not be completely crazy.
Interesting idea it allows you to learn new niches, potentially profit, improve credit and get points.
Anyone else interested in buying up campaigns?

I have 3 of them I was going to sell to popcorn, but he moves slower than molasses lol...
I am interested in buying campaigns as well. However, I will even buy campaigns that are LOSING up to 50% in ROI. For example, I will buy a campaign that spends $200/day but only returns a total of $100/day in commission/sales. PM me if interested
FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FOR RENT! -- Skype: linh_euro

FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FOR RENT! : smilie_weihn_winki:
1.The advertising campaign on facebook are very favorable
2.You want to increase revenues, but advertising account is limited.
3. Your adversiting account can not use a lot of money.
4. Your advertising account has low coverage.
5. When you have problems with your personal account or you require technical assistance, you do not know who to contact, how to contact..?
1. More pregtige: we are pregtige company on advertising market.
2. Cheaper: agent account will run cheaper than personal account.
3. Biting money faster: we are partner of Facebook, so that accounts will be approved faster.
4. Biting money much more: unlimited spending in a day. 5. Attracting rental rates!
skype: linh_euro
Anyone still looking for breakeven campaigns?

I got a mobile campaign that's breaking even and even profitable some days, but I just don't have the time for it anymore and with Christmas coming up I could use some extra cash.
Anyone still looking for breakeven campaigns?

I got a mobile campaign that's breaking even and even profitable some days, but I just don't have the time for it anymore and with Christmas coming up I could use some extra cash.

Extra cash, eh? Is that why you tried scamming me for $750 last year?

TBH, I probably would've just given the $ to you, if you had given me a good reason for needing it.

No need to play games, and waste my time.
Extra cash, eh? Is that why you tried scamming me for $750 last year?

TBH, I probably would've just given the $ to you, if you had given me a good reason for needing it.

No need to play games, and waste my time.

I didn't scam you?

I was a middle man trying to sell a buddies facebook account to you. Unfortunately I accepted payment from you thinking he was ready to sell it, but he was dragging his feet about it because it was tied to his real account.

He did eventually agree and the whole time I was trying to reach out to you on skype asking you if you still wanted the account so I could give you the details and you could drop the dispute, but you never responded, even after multiple attempts to contact you.

So you got your money back.

If I wanted to scam you I would of taken your money and never talked to you again.

Also didn't you buy a couple accounts off me previously without any problems (unless I'm thinking about someone else)?
I didn't scam you?

I was a middle man trying to sell a buddies facebook account to you. Unfortunately I accepted payment from you thinking he was ready to sell it, but he was dragging his feet about it because it was tied to his real account.

He did eventually agree and the whole time I was trying to reach out to you on skype asking you if you still wanted the account so I could give you the details and you could drop the dispute, but you never responded, even after multiple attempts to contact you.

So you got your money back.

If I wanted to scam you I would of taken your money and never talked to you again.

Also didn't you buy a couple accounts off me previously without any problems (unless I'm thinking about someone else)?

Yes, I did have a couple successful transactions with you before things went south.

I waited several weeks and kept getting excuses and the run around from you, and then eventually you stopped responding to me altogether.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and assumed you were either out of town, or busy. However, it became clear that you had no intentions of messaging me back, or refunding the payment, so I was forced to file a dispute with Paypal.

After no reply or comment on the dispute, Paypal reversed the payment, and I got the money back.

Technically, you never gave me my money back, or even bothered to get in touch. I assumed you were hoping I'd just forget about it.
I don't remember talking to you back and forth for several weeks. That doesn't make sense, because I do remember you opening a dispute pretty soon after I told you I was waiting to get the account details sent over to me.

I think you said something like "well I'm going to open a dispute". And I think we talked about when I got the details you would drop it. After that you never responded to my messages (you were always a pain in the ass to get a hold of). I remember messaging you asking if you would drop the dispute when I hand over the account details with no response every time.

At that point I was most likely pissed off because my buddy waited too long and now you were ignoring me when I had the product ready, that I just said fuck it and let the dispute take its course. If I wanted to be a scamming dick wad I would of just ignored you from the moment you sent me money, or worse just make up some bullshit on the dispute because back then paypal didn't cover digital transactions. But like you said.. I had "no reply or comment on the dispute", because I wasn't trying to fight it.

And the transactions we had before this happened were for a lot larger amounts. So why would I would want to ruin my rep over a stupid low limit facebook account.

So in the end, was it my fault? Yes. I should of had everything ready before I sold it and just refunded you when I couldn't secure the account in a timely fashion.

Was I out to scam you and ruin my rep over $750? No. I was probably just acting like an asshole because you were ignoring me. So you had to wait out the dispute, but you got your money back.

Now for some reason you're bringing it up a year later.

Ask anyone else if they've ever had any problems doing transactions with me, because if I was a big scammer I'm sure I would of had a thread by now.
I don't remember talking to you back and forth for several weeks. That doesn't make sense, because I do remember you opening a dispute pretty soon after I told you I was waiting to get the account details sent over to me.

I think you said something like "well I'm going to open a dispute". And I think we talked about when I got the details you would drop it. After that you never responded to my messages (you were always a pain in the ass to get a hold of). I remember messaging you asking if you would drop the dispute when I hand over the account details with no response every time.

At that point I was most likely pissed off because my buddy waited too long and now you were ignoring me when I had the product ready, that I just said fuck it and let the dispute take its course. If I wanted to be a scamming dick wad I would of just ignored you from the moment you sent me money, or worse just make up some bullshit on the dispute because back then paypal didn't cover digital transactions. But like you said.. I had "no reply or comment on the dispute", because I wasn't trying to fight it.

And the transactions we had before this happened were for a lot larger amounts. So why would I would want to ruin my rep over a stupid low limit facebook account.

So in the end, was it my fault? Yes. I should of had everything ready before I sold it and just refunded you when I couldn't secure the account in a timely fashion.

Was I out to scam you and ruin my rep over $750? No. I was probably just acting like an asshole because you were ignoring me. So you had to wait out the dispute, but you got your money back.

Now for some reason you're bringing it up a year later.

Ask anyone else if they've ever had any problems doing transactions with me, because if I was a big scammer I'm sure I would of had a thread by now.

LOL, either your memory is awful or you're straight up lying to cover your ass. Everything you wrote in those first 3 paragraph's is pure fiction.

Why am I bringing it up now, you ask?

I had completely forgotten about it until I came across this thread and recognized your username.

Don't you think other people have a right to know the truth before doing any deals with you?