Looking for weight loss pills affiliate programs..


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Hey guys,

Does anybody know where I can find some decent weight loss supplements affiliate programs such as the following ones:


Lose 300% More Body Fat! - Liporexall Weight Loss Supplement

Lipofuze Official Site - Best Fat Burner of 2010

I'd prefer promoting products which are here to stay for a long time (rather then offers which come and go).

I already know about MarketHealth.com and HealthConverter.com, was wondering whether you guys know of any other places for such offers?

Do those landing pages really convert?

like crazy.. Apidexin is one of the strongest brands promoted on the market. The guy does millions and he owns several similar brands. But yeah, from aff perspective, rebills are always easier to push than these nasty cps!

Not sure but I think the affiliate program isn't public for these brands. He sends his *special secret* ultracart affiliate link to signup to his aff programs.
ye but I don't want to promote any rebills, as I gotta promote them with organic traffic.

Anybody got any recommendations?