Looking for Toolbar Affiliate Programs / Download offers


New member
Dec 2, 2010
I’m in the process of making my own tool bar that will be installed whenever someone downloads our software; I’m looking for Affiliate offers that we can add to our toolbar / software.

For example:

User downloads our software and runs the set-up while the set-up is running it will give them the option to install our toolbar what intern will have set Affiliate Programs co-bundled inside it.

If any one knows any networks that allow co-bundles let me know please.

cobundling is one of those things none of the adware companies allow. It's because having two toolbars throwing ads can cause major conflicts. I doubt you'll be able to find one, you're best off monetizing yourself.
I need all the options help and advice I can get. My software gets alot of downloads but I just don't seem to be able to make ends meet income wise. I could directly add the toolbars into the software without my toolbar.
take a look at the "pay per install" affiliate network like w3i, amonetize, install monetizer etc.
