Looking for Text Link Affiliate examples

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New member
Dec 26, 2006
Virginia USA
I've seen some sites that are basically "storefront" templates for affiliates.

That is to say person hits a page that looks like an Apple products store but all of the product descriptions and pictures link to a "real" store (going through the aff link, of course).

Do you have affiliate sites like this and if so, how successful have you been with them?


I don't own one myself, but some of the most successful affiliate sites are just that. It's a pretty easy thing to setup, but can rather expensive to make profitable.
I've seen some sites that are basically "storefront" templates for affiliates.

That is to say person hits a page that looks like an Apple products store but all of the product descriptions and pictures link to a "real" store (going through the aff link, of course).

Do you have affiliate sites like this and if so, how successful have you been with them?


Are you serious? You must be the only person on the internet to think of that idea.

The official Apple Store works because apple gets tons of free traffic from SERPS and can convert at 1/500 or even worse and still make a profit. You have have to get free traffic to make money. There are many other reasons as well. Simply sending visotors to the main page is stupid-you would want to send them to a specific product. And expensive electronic good have a realy shitty conversions.
One would describe an Amazon aStore as such a storefront.

There are others I know of which deal in dropshipping but you would need a Registered Business to work with them. They provide the database backend with stock prices and availability, you create a front-end website which utilises the backend - not really affiliate as you put in your margin which is then reflected in the front-end.
I figure this has been around for a decade so I know this is not any kind of original idea. Its just new to me.

BTW, I'm not talking about selling a product. I'm mean just providing an affiliate channel for visitors to buy a product (like the Apple online store example). I mentioned electronics because that was the example I remember seeing. I suppose, if done correctly, any popular product would do.

As far as attracting the traffic, I assume the owners are using Adwords, Adcenter, etc.
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