Looking for someone to make a Batch File...and boobs

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New member
Oct 7, 2008
Whats up guys. I need someone to make a batch file for me, I tried my hand at it last night and really had NO success, lol. So if someone could pm me a quote of what they would charge I would appreciate it. Here's what it needs to do:

1. Disconnect the current dial-up internet connection
2. Clear all internet cookies
3. Clear temporary internet files
4. Select a dial-up telephone number to connect to from a .txt file
5. Connect to the specific dial-up internet connection with the selected number.

Like I said, if you could just pm me with what you would charge to make this I would really appreciate it. Or if you have the contact info of someone you would recommend I would appreciate that. Thanks.

ooh yea, and since this is my first thread I figured I had to throw this in.


Haven't done anything like this for years, but rasdial might do what you're after.
Thanks for the heads up! I've never heard of it, ill do some research on it tonight. Anyone else out there wanna make this for me lmk/pm me a quote.
Hey, if you just wana change your ip address and all of that you mentioned with the cookies, you can just subscribe to my new service at Black Hat IP and have it all automated
jpet10 - You said you found someone... Would you mind sharing whether or not it does what you need, and how much you paid??

I could really use something like this as well...

Thanks buddy
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