Looking for some tips and advice


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2019
I am a nurse and have done freelance writing on and off since 2009. I am looking to do more work from home full time to get out of punching a time clock. Over the years I have done a lot of reading and learned a lot. I struggle with creating a website and getting traffic. I'm no expert when it comes to design and building websites, but want to learn how to make a full time income writing from home. I would love some tips and tricks to help get me off the ground and headed in the right direction.

You do not need too much. You can get a simple website on Fiverr for a bargain cost.

But getting a website is just the easy part. Marketing it is what takes a lot of time and/or money. Check the "Enlightened Members" section. There are a few jewels in that area.
Trust me if you're good at writing, it will be a lot easier for you. Just create a blog using Wordpress and start posting. Make sure your content is enagaging and interesting. Share some posts on your social media accounts. You can get a lot of information about marketing your blog on google.
I am a nurse and have done freelance writing on and off since 2009. I am looking to do more work from home full time to get out of punching a time clock. Over the years I have done a lot of reading and learned a lot. I struggle with creating a website and getting traffic. I'm no expert when it comes to design and building websites, but want to learn how to make a full time income writing from home. I would love some tips and tricks to help get me off the ground and headed in the right direction.

If you want to starting make money online, a lot of methods you can try. Interested in blogging and writing article, I think you can start build a website. Out there, a lot of freelance web developer that offer affordable price, you can hire them. After that, fill your site with the content based on your passion. Promote your site using SEO technique for organics traffics, or paid traffics for instant result. Try both of them, and you will see the result.
If you like writing and you are good in this, just create your blog about something you are interested in. This will be the first step, then take care about promotional part.
I also agree that the writing drives 80% of the interest, but to drive some serious traffic,
you should learn how to engage with your target niche. When it comes to design, there are a lot of free
content management systems around like Wordpress. A lot of others offer great design that wouldn't hurt your bank account.
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For start, you don't need to have your own website to start blogging journey, as this can be a bit expensive and you'll probably need to hire some developer to help you with this. You can start writing and publishing posts on some free platforms like blogspot or to open a simple Wordpress site with some pre-built theme. The important thing here is that you start writing and earning money from it, and later you can develop site further and try out some new methods.
If you're good at writing, you can easily get freelance jobs through freelance network sites like Fiverr, Upwork, Gig4u, and others. Creating your own blog is also a good idea but if you're not good with the other tech stuff like web design, and marketing, I suggest you create a free blog and create a portfolio first to let clients know about you and get jobs.
Creating your blog on your own domain requires investment and time. With freelancing, you can earn and start branding yourself. While freelancing, do your research on creating your own blog too. In the few next months, you can prepare a plan and launch your own blog.
Sounds Cool? Rest, I advise you do your own research.
I think its easy to create a website by yourself . Nowadays Wordpress and others allow theme development which make the process easy without the knowledge of coding . But if you have decent amount of money hire some professional to help you out which can help you to save time . I can help you if you need/:small-smiley-026: