Looking for some quick help!


New member
Aug 16, 2010
I've found a domain that is perfectly keyword optimized for a search phrase that gets 368,000 global monthly searches approx.

But it contains the letter 'i', for e.g. www.howdoIdothis.com

Would this affect SEO or anything? The potential domain is keyword optimized letter for letter.

My main question is: could I rank for this search phrase over the big sites, quite easily with lots of quality content?

Thanks a lot guys.

I would add the topic of the site is highly competitive but the site is going to be geared towards tutorials, tips, advice etc regarding the topic, and so there are less of these sites in the subject area.
I just learnt about broad, phrase and exact matches, and the phrase/exact match for my keyword is minimal... but the broad is huge - would this matter a lot in the grand scheme of things?

Should I be able to get a good amount of traffic 6 months on from now with a lot of content? I would tell you my domain idea but I don't want to post it publicly!

Broad match is 368,000 approx
Exact/Phrase both less than 50

I would target broad keywords too though of course.

I want to get a good 500-1000 uniques per day ideally
Thanks for the reply, I sent you a PM twice but I still don't know if it went through so let me know. :)