Looking for reliable CPM/CPA network for Sharing sites

Philip Sella

New member
Jul 4, 2013
Hi everyone.

I'm running few warez/sharing sites. I'd like to know, maybe someone has experience in monetizing such traffic? Not many networks are happy to accept me. But what's more important, many of "fresh" networks that can co-operate with me are total waste of time.

Will appreciate any help with some proper network. Mostly interested in CPA basis, but CPM is OK too.


observe competition my suggestion, ex: Hulkshare.com or ShareBeast.com

GL though.I thought those sites were kinda past their prime and tanking
Kind of, mate. I've tried them in a past, then rates go waaay down and I switched off. Anyway thanks for your help :)
Overall I have near 500k-800k imps per month. I know it's not that big.
Never tried ExoClick, have done a little research, many complaints about support... but whatever, I'll give them a shot.
Also, are you interested in direct co-operation with me?
Phillip Shoot me a PM with an email address. Your demographic will work with a program I'm running
If you're looking for CPA check out Matomy or other international affiliate networks that don't have the fear of the US gov't. shutting them down.

If CPM/CPC go to piratebay.sx and see where the ads are coming from. On a quick glance I'm seeing Exoclick. So if they'll take piratebay, they'll probably take anything. Cause there's more heat on that bitch then a fry pan cookin bacon.