Looking for partners


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Hey guys, my partner and I are looking for a technical partner and possibly a mentor/advisor for a CPA business startup that currently has 0 competition.

We've come up with a devious plan to get money motivated site admins of these huge niches to promote CPA offers to a never ending hoarde of their loyal 1st world countries who WILL complete the offers.

Think of this like SuperRewards/Facebook Credits meets FreeIpods.com for 2 untapped niches that currently have no competition.

These niches are mostly comprised of baby boomers, wealthy desperate housewives and fanatics who will do anything they are asked to do.

We need a technical lead to code this gold mine, and we would like someone who's been there and done that who has their pulse on the CPA industry to advise us.

PM if you are serious, we're looking to make our first 10 million off of this business, and we need someone who sees that vision and is willing to work his or her dick to the bone to see it through :D