Looking for partners who have eBay: I can put money in your paypal overnight.

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Just Another JuniorMember
Dec 15, 2010
The Great Lakes
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Looking for some serious "go-getter" types:

I have just gotten really into eBay. I never really thought of it as a business, but I started doing research and found some great niches and products to list. I am a web designer and I applied my knowledge of keyword research and ad copy to my auctions, and business was booming; like overnight hundreds. Also I say business “was” booking because of eBay limitations. Because I am a newer seller, I am limited to how much I can sell at any given time. (Maybe you have run into this too). So now I am “capped” and stuck making only so much money at any given time, which at this time is about 500/week. Not good enough and I don’t want to wait around to see more profits.

My solution is to find some “helpers”. I would like to talk to a few of you who have idled or unused sellers accounts that are not limited (meaning an account that is older than a year with a bit of good feedback as a seller). I would provide all of the info for selling. What, when, how. I would even set up the auctions, so you don’t really have to do anything but keep in touch with me about the activities and collect your commission.

I could handle everything and again, the sales are there. I just need to get back to selling (big) and if you want to make money for (pretty much) nothing, let me know. This is a no-bull offer and it’s FREE! You get paid, I get paid. It’s a win-win!

This is open to people in USA & Canada but I may deal with Australia, UK and Europe.

On another note: I have products that move. You will see sales overnight. You will make money OVER-FREAKING-NIGHT!

What exactly do you mean by "limited to how much you can sell each day"? I haven't done eBay in a while but when I did I moved quite a bit of product and never heard of, much less ran into this issue?
I got an account with 190 feedback 100% and all limits removed, PM me if interested .
Having laughed mercilessly at the guy who wanted to become a 'middle man' for an unknown Russian from craigslist, i am a hypocrite!

Depending what your selling, i might be interested. I have a 3 year old sellers account i dont use at all, UK based. PM me.
Inb4 wickedfire members get raided by ICE for selling counterfeit nike thongs
Aren't most pplz ebay accounts linked to their PayPal account and bank account/credit cards..? I know mine is..

seems sketch to give you my ebay pass...

I've never heard of seller limitations it seems eBay would encourage more selling cuz thats how they make dough.. *confused*...
LOL this smells of scam.

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