Looking for Myspace Profile Maker

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Big Rob

New member
Jan 24, 2007
Im Looking for a program that can make myspace profiles or if there is someone who knows where I can outsource the work for someone else 2 make the profiles for me .

If you have any information, Please Contact me,

Thank You

Are you looking for someone to create accounts or design profiles? If you're looking for a design program you could try mygen.co.uk, I think its free. If you decide you want to do it yourself though, I'd recommend the book Hacking Myspace, its an excellent resource. The section on div overlays will help you create some really unique looking profiles.
hey smaxor is that a php code for makin mass amounts of profiles??
i agree buddypromoter is far way to good and does not have a high price at all. ALOT cheaper then spacestation and has hundreds of more features :)
i agree buddypromoter is far way to good and does not have a high price at all. ALOT cheaper then spacestation and has hundreds of more features :)

These guys spam forum after forum. Notice their one post accounts. Hmm...Creating multiple accounts to advertise their product?? Brilliant..NOT! :mad:
You (or your programmer) is going to have one hell of a time getting around the CAPTCHA. Think outside the box. ;)
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