Looking for mentor/help for online store. Will compensate for help.


New member
Oct 11, 2011
Hey guys

So I jumped into affiliate marketing pretty quick. I guess when I see something I want I try and do everything in my power to get it. It can be good and bad haha. I have a website up and trying to build another website and online store asap. I guess you can say I'm a little in over my head because I have hired a couple writers that are busy working for me but my site isn't fully finished and I've invested a decent amount in the writers and struggling on finding the best way to integrate a store. What I'm asking is a mentor or someone to really help me who has experience in selling product, specifically books and just in general online marketing.
I will obviously compensate, we can talk dollar signs or I can help you with working out and being fit. I have worked out for 10+ years and well vested in the personal training and coaching field so if your looking to get fit, lose weight or gain muscle hit me up. If you can provide me with help over the next cpl weeks and months I can do the same. We can write up a fitness plan, I can make a nutrition guide for you, we can skype about your training and goals and how to reach them. Basically whatever help you need to achieve your goals I can help you along the way! I'm highly motivated and eager to learn as much as I can and will follow and listen to your guidelines if we can get something set up.