Looking for good linux vps that offer multiple class c ip's


Feb 27, 2009
The title says it all really, anyone have any recommendations on companies they have used?

I suppose the next thing I do will contact linode and see if they offer different class c ips. This is from their faq, their site doesn't have to much info regarding this:
Can I purchase additional IPs?

Yes. All new accounts include one IP and are permitted to add an additional IP via the Linode Manager for $1.00 per month. If you need more than two IPs, you can open a support ticket and provide technical justification.

Will post their response here.

Normally you have to ask support explicitly for separate class-c IPs.

I remember when I had a dedicated server with ServerPronto (cheap ass server, hosted down in Panama), all I had to do was tell em how many IPs I wanted, and if they could do their best to make them non-sequential on the c-block, usually if I ask for 4-8, all would have different c-blocks but if I asked for say 16-32 , I might get 50% of them having the same c block. I left them primarily because performance and support was starting to suck big time in the final months.

And when I managed a server on Softlayer for a client, they didn't give you seperate c-class at the time of asking but the trick was, you order a 4, 8 or 16 block one week and wait about a week and order another block and there was usually a very good chance that it would have a different c-block (even support advises this method if you have to ask them straight out).

In the last 6 months, I am seeing more and more hosts ask for justification, especially if you ask for more than 4 additional IPs. Most of the time you simply have to mention something like e-commerce, or how you're hosting clients under you, and then just provide them with a list of domain names.

Previously I had a KnownHost VPS, they don't have any guarantee on the pattern of IPs you get, and are pretty vigilant about getting justification for some (like when I asked them for 24 more, we sent back and forth about 8 tickets before they finally invoiced me for it).

I'm currently using WholesaleInternet (the datacenter for ZenSix.com), but my 32 IPs are all the same to the c-block. I haven't bothered to ask them if they can break it up or not. But they've been pretty open about any changes I've wanted thus far.

Best advise I can give... just ask your host or ask support if they can give you non-sequential IPs at the c-block.
Thanks for the input kblessinggr, I sent them an email along the lines of this:

My main question is if you can supply me with multiple different class c
ip addresses roughly 10-20 per VPS. I have a network of sites and the reason for needing the ip's is to hinder competitors from
being able to discover the network. They will not be used for nefarious
purposes such as data scraping or sending automated requests.

I have heard good things about linode and I want to go with a company that is fairly well known and reputable.
Thanks for the input kblessinggr, I sent them an email along the lines of this:

I have heard good things about linode and I want to go with a company that is fairly well known and reputable.

Look into the Rackspace cloud, I believe you almost always get unique IP's as you spin up new instances. Guess it depends on the reason why you need them (IE do they need to be permanent or just quickly have unique IP's)
Look into the Rackspace cloud, I believe you almost always get unique IP's as you spin up new instances. Guess it depends on the reason why you need them (IE do they need to be permanent or just quickly have unique IP's)

In almost all instances when I had to host someone and they wanted a separate c-block it was usually for SEO and cross-linking. Basically having 4 or 5 of the same niche inter-link to one another, but needed to be on different c-blocks in order to be treated as separate sites.

What I used to do, was when some clients had all their sites under a single cpanel/whm account, is had them set their DNS to one of my servers, so that one of their domains would retain the usual cpanel/whm location, but then the others going to my server would get proxy_pass to their actual location thru my nginx configured webserver. Thus giving them a different IP in a different location but still hosted at the same spot.
Hey dchuk, the ip's are going to be for sites so they need to be permanent.

I really just want to get a host thats reliable as I am sick of going with shitty hosts and the plan is to find someone good and transfer all my sites over to them.

In almost all instances when I had to host someone and they wanted a separate c-block it was usually for SEO and cross-linking. Basically having 4 or 5 of the same niche inter-link to one another, but needed to be on different c-blocks in order to be treated as separate sites.

This says it all.
Hey dchuk, the ip's are going to be for sites so they need to be permanent.

I really just want to get a host thats reliable as I am sick of going with shitty hosts and the plan is to find someone good and transfer all my sites over to them.

This says it all.

If you have trouble finding a host to do it all for you, just let me know and maybe I can order a couple IPs off my host and create a small nginx-based VPS on my dedicated server to act solely as a proxy to some of your existing sites (ie: a couple of my IPs to mix with a couple of yours to make them distinctively different).
Got a reply from linode, pretty quick considering it Easter Sunday.

Unfortunately the justification you have provided does not meet our requirements as you can use something like virtual hosting to host multiple sites from the same IP address. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

I'll continue looking around for a hosting company that can do this. I know there are plenty of SEO hosting companies that have this but I just don't feel safe on shared hosting.

Thanks for the offer kblessinggr. I'll definitely keep it in mind and will be in touch with you.
Have done a bit more research on this and apparently there are laws governing ipv4 address allocation, something about all addresses being used up by 2012 and hosting companies getting audited on proper practices on giving out ip addresses.

I've shot a couple of emails off to different companies seeing if they can provide what I want but I am not too hopeful. I suppose what I will probably do in the end is purchase multiple vps and just do it that way, most providers will give two addresses without question. Will be a bit more work on the administration end but if it serves my purposes it will do. I may also just look at getting a dedi with wholesale internet and following kblessinggr's advice and requesting the ip's with a timespace between requests.
I'm currently using WholesaleInternet (the datacenter for ZenSix.com), but my 32 IPs are all the same to the c-block. I haven't bothered to ask them if they can break it up or not. But they've been pretty open about any changes I've wanted thus far.

The only way you can really get different blocks with them is to buy small allocations (like 16 IPs or so) and then go back and order more a few days later and hope they give you something from another block... If you just straight up ask for separate classes they will deny you. And doing the 16-ips-wait-a-week strategy is just a pain in the ass.
Ok, So what I have decided to do is to get a linode in each of their locations in US (4), I'm then going to wait a month or so to purchase the extra ip on each vps that you don't need technical justification for and hope it's in a different range. Will probably do the same thing with slicehost although they only use two data centers. Will probably pick up a zensix vps too. Any other recommendations on reliable/cheap vps hosts? (Hey subigo if I was to purchase more than 1 VPS could you give me different class c ip addresses on them or would i need to wait a while between purchases?).

I can get around 5 vps per $100 dollars a month and if I can get two unique ips per vps I'll be happy enough with that for my purposes.