Looking for feedback in the Newbie Forum.

Midas Touch

He who laughs, LASTS!!
Dec 20, 2008
Dave's World
I'd like for you guys/gals or something in between maybe, to tell me if my CAPITALIZATION is driving you bonkers or not?

I NATURALLY do this when I talk. I use my hands, arms, and voice inflection when speaking with friends and family. (Which is kinda how I think of this place. Most of the time anyway. Lulz) I'm quite animated.

So, when I am here I just "LET IT FLY", but if it is annoying to the point of detracting from what I am trying to convey I will DO MY BEST to tone it down. (No guarantees on TOTALLY eliminating it though.)

I've been PURPOSEFULLY using the CAPITALIZATION here so that you can FEEL it without having to look for one of my posts. Then again, maybe it is so ANNOYING that anyone who sees a Midas Touch post immediately thinks to themselves, "HOLLY FUCK!!! Not another CAPITALIZATION POST by Midas!!" Lulz

Lately, as I am getting older, my friends and family have commented on it. I figure that if it is getting to them that maybe it is bothering my WFB (Wicked Fire Brethren) as well.

I'm asking here in the Newbie Forum and not the Shooting the Shit forum because, I REALLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF IT BOTHERS ANYONE IN THERE!! It's mostly BS talk there anyhow. Lulz

Thanks for taking the time to pop in here and comment.

P.S. I'm wearing my "Big Boy" Nomex pants, so fire away!! LOL

Okie Dokie.............

Thanks for the final word on this dchuk.

I'll give it a go at keeping away for the the shift key while posting except for the beginning of sentences and other appropriate times such as proper names and places.

I just realized that that image I found is horribly misspelled, leading me to believe it's part of some obscure meme, leading me to believe I'm missing the joke, leading me to a sad face
Are you Jonesing or what......? LOL

WTF? Somebody puts the pipe down and somebody else picks it up.

GD crack thread going on here.

DAMN IT MAN!!! If you NEED a hit off a Crack Pipe that bad or you are missing the "Good Ole' Days" just head on over to the seedy part of your town and get hooked up for $20 already!!

And to think, I was doing pretty good on holding back with the caps earlier. Lulz
I just realized that that image I found is horribly misspelled, leading me to believe it's part of some obscure meme, leading me to believe I'm missing the joke, leading me to a sad face

I noticed that and just figured that you were screwing with meme!! lol