Looking for an eBook!

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Don't worry, it's not get rich quick shit, I'm trying to find an eBook called Home Made Energy (hxxp://www.homemadeenergy.org) after reading that it seems to be one of the better guides for DIY renewable power.

Tried a few torrent sites and warez forums with no luck.

Or if anyone knows of a better source of info on this shit please let me know, cheers.

Lazy, you are a versatile guy! Who else can go from slightly BH to reading about home energy?! getthefugouttahere (hugs)

You are starting to make me rethink my prejudice against hippies...nah, not quite, lol...actually it is not hippies perse it's the faux hippies who drink $7 cups of coffee and argue about poverty when if they would have taken just $2 bucks of that and sent it to someone, they could have made that person's day since 1 + billion people live off of a dollar a day (rant over.....)
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