Looking for a partner...


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I have an amazing idea in a niche with literally no competition.
Projected profits of $500,000 by 2014.
Looking for programers and developers...

PM, or post reply and I will contact if worthy,.

lol, you have no idea what board you just posted on, do you?

Let's break this down a bit. You say $500k by 2014, which in reality, probably means closer to $200k.

I'm going to get, what? Say 20%? So if I bust my ass for the next 2 years for you, come 2015 I should be seeing like $40k/year pre-tax. Fuck yeah, sign me up!
I hate to break it to you, but you can't breed pandas using your own sperm. It just doesn't work that way.
The OP is one of these assholes that have the "next great" idea, comes up with a "plan", expects everyone else to execute the plan, and call him when they ALL get rich, while he sits back and does absolutely nothing. Let me school you an ideas is worth nothing, not one cent. There are thousands of ideas, actually millions of ideas from people all around the world. A fraction of those ideas get put into play. Why? Because people are fucking lazy. The people which aren't lazy, and go after their ideas/goals end up winning. But only after a lot of hardwork, sweat, pain, and time into their idea. The OP is one of the people that comes up with an idea, decides, hey why I don't get someone else to do all the work, and site back and relaxes. You know why everyone reading this post believes that is what you are looking for, OP? Because they've all been approached by people like you. I can guarantee you that they will continue being approached for the rest of their lives with people that have the next great idea. That's the nature of being at the top of this profession I can write a long ass post about this, but unless you have a working model, a business plan, an investor, or something physical, you've got an one idea, like the other 6+ billion people on this earth. Good job, you're one of the unique people in the world with a fucking idea. Don't come in here asking for free fucking work. You have no reputation, you just joined this forum, and you think anyone in here give a shit about your "next great" thing. Get in the fucking "Call Me When We Get Rich" line with your next great idea.