Looking for a mentor..

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New member
Feb 22, 2008
Hello! I get the general jist of various ways to do affiliate marketing but nonetheless, I would really like someone experienced to be able to mentor me through just one or two processes for each method for affiliate marketing they use. I'm fully willing to sign-up under your affiliate links so your effort isn't non-commissioned, lets make some money! I'm not a computer newbie, nor am I a computer nerd- I've been messin around somewhere in between for 12 years or so now. (back when 44hz was turbo LOOK OUT!!)

So anyhow, let me know if anyone is willing!

That was harsh. If I had a more open schedule I'd be willing to, but right now I'm barely even getting time to check my campaigns with all the time school is taking.
you might want to join Wealthy Affiliate University since you are looking to be mentored. I just joined last week and it is fantastic. They help people who know nothing at all about affiliate marketing or advanced marketers. My signature has a link to their free guide of which they offer some free affiliate marketing tips.
I've been in your spot before. If you want someone to provide you with some serious, legitimate help you better be able to bring something to the fucking table.
I've been in your spot before. If you want someone to provide you with some serious, legitimate help you better be able to bring something to the fucking table.



Ask Jon. I bet he'd help you. Go ahead. give him a PM

Alright, Andrew was right. You need to be able to give something in exchange. While I freelance, I do work for a lot of affiliate marketers. Got friendly with one of them, and now he is helping me build my first campaigns. Luck I guess that he is a nice guy.

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