Looking for a Landing Page Designer

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Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
Rating - 100%
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Not sure if this is in the right section. I saw a similar post like this in the "Design, Development & Programming" section but someone said to try and use the "Sell, Buy, & Trade" section.

I am looking for a landing page designer. The two people I usually use are busy because of the holidays or they are getting a lot of work.

What I need:
-One page

You can reply here or PM me so we can talk about more details. I have an example I can show to give you a feel of what kind of design I would like. Also let me know how much you charge if you reply here or PM me.

I really appreciate it,



I can def. help. I will be able to give you the sales page design, thank you page, affiliate page, contact page in one package.

please contact me using AIM: Rahailwriter

I can def. help. I will be able to give you the sales page design, thank you page, affiliate page, contact page in one package.

please contact me using AIM: Rahailwriter

He wants a landing page, not some stupid clickbank sales page.

Seriously, hit up Symptic.
I did, I contacted Symptic last night. He did an excellent job creating the landing page for me. It looks really great and he turned it around within 1-2 hours. I highly suggest Symptic. Thanks again man.
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