Long Tail Keywords pages links building


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Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
I've got this site, lets say somewidgets.com

I display few thousands items on site providing some simple search tools to narrow results. In fact it creates a lot long tail keywords with very low search volume according to GK.

I've got few questions and would be delighted if someone can clarify:

1. Should I even bother to build links to a long tail pages like:


if I see competition does not use this keyword in TITLE and h1? Most of occasions they don't have any links built to those pages...

2. If I would like to build some links to those long tail pages should I care about links quality or blog comments etc will be enough and good links should be rather used on domain? Should I be more concentrated on anchor text in this case?

3. Starting from long tails should I build links to domain at the same time or can I start with long tails and build links to domain after some time?

I know that's a very basic question but somehow I didn't find answer to them so will appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

1. yes, build links to all pages. If competitors do it wrong, doesn't mean you should too..
2. anchor text is always better. build many links to all pages, High and Low PR.
3. I would build links to both at the same time.
It looks like you are on the right track. You already know how the importance of building links to all pages. You can beat out your competitors by doing things the right way.
I've got this site, lets say somewidgets.com

I display few thousands items on site providing some simple search tools to narrow results. In fact it creates a lot long tail keywords with very low search volume according to GK.

I've got few questions and would be delighted if someone can clarify:

1. Should I even bother to build links to a long tail pages like:


if I see competition does not use this keyword in TITLE and h1? Most of occasions they don't have any links built to those pages...

2. If I would like to build some links to those long tail pages should I care about links quality or blog comments etc will be enough and good links should be rather used on domain? Should I be more concentrated on anchor text in this case?

3. Starting from long tails should I build links to domain at the same time or can I start with long tails and build links to domain after some time?

I know that's a very basic question but somehow I didn't find answer to them so will appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

1. Might as well do it, just fire up Scrapebox or some other blog commenting tool just so you have the upper hand in ranking.
2. Don't bother that much about quality links to these sub pages if there is hardly any competition like you said.
3. Build links to both at the same time.
do both but keep building to main page as well. If your main page becomes an authority page or somewhat high ranked then you will see inner pages ranking on their own and then extra links will help.

I just saw some clicks from a word the other day to a page that I had never built links for that specific term and checked the serp and had my main page and 2 inner pages right under it at the top of the search results because that term was somewhat related to the main pages topic.
with a giant ecom style site like that, your best bet is to organize products into category pages, and build links to those category pages. So in your example, slam the "cheap-widgets" category page, and on that page, link out to all of your products in that category.

Then, cross link everything really well in that category, only that category. Don't bleed cross links into other category, keep things tightly connected and compartmentalized.

Finally, make sure your on page on the actual product pages is absolutely perfect and optimized.

Building links to thousands of pages isn't really a good strategy, your best bet is to focus on main structural pages that feed juice into the small product pages.
Building links to thousands of pages isn't really a good strategy, your best bet is to focus on main structural pages that feed juice into the small product pages.

That's what I was thinking, with the exception of the index page and possibly a few
other main pages, I would keep the seo to internal.
That's what I was thinking, with the exception of the index page and possibly a few
other main pages, I would keep the seo to internal.

I have to agree/disagree with you dchuk, I think the majority of your link building efforts should be focused on those category pages but sending some links to the individual pages is an easy way to see a good ROI.

Also it filters both way, so let's you can still send links to the inner pages and the linkjuice will still filter into /cheap-widgets category as well (as long as you have your bread crumbs set up properly). I personally like to start off with my longtails first and then build my way up, you start seeing traffic immediately and I find it easier to rank for my main KW's as well.
I have to agree/disagree with you dchuk, I think the majority of your link building efforts should be focused on those category pages but sending some links to the individual pages is an easy way to see a good ROI.

Also it filters both way, so let's you can still send links to the inner pages and the linkjuice will still filter into /cheap-widgets category as well (as long as you have your bread crumbs set up properly). I personally like to start off with my longtails first and then build my way up, you start seeing traffic immediately and I find it easier to rank for my main KW's as well.

sure, I almost always target my long tail/deep link pages as well first, but when you're dealing with thousands or tens of thousands of pages, it's probably a waste of time and resources to do so. That's where targeting the keyword categories is probably a better idea.

really depends on the size of the site you're targeting. It's the reason every fucking about.com page ranks for every keyword without hardly any backlinks.
sure, I almost always target my long tail/deep link pages as well first, but when you're dealing with thousands or tens of thousands of pages, it's probably a waste of time and resources to do so. That's where targeting the keyword categories is probably a better idea.

This is something I actually do. I build links to major categories.

let say - /red-widgets

but then I also build some (far less) links to it's subcategory

let say - /red-widgets/small

as they get (according to GK tool) around 200-300 searches a month, which when added up, can give me some traffic I don't want to miss if I can build it with minimum effort.

But, as you said, I don't want to build links to longer tails like small-red-widgets-in-south-london as those I want to rank with on-site factors using it in title and h1 (hopefully enough)

Thanks for help