lols = 1%

The custom of tipping for poor quality service should be looked into. Food service is not an entitlement program, is it?
I hate seeing all of the comments on articles like that spreading the idea that servers everywhere in the U.S. only make $2.13/hr when they really make that in less than half of the states.

California has no server wage or tip credit, so the girl in the article was making at least $8/hr + tips. Servers make at least $10.24/hr + tips if in San Francisco, $9.04 + tips in Washington, $8.80 + tips in Oregon.
I hate seeing all of the comments on articles like that spreading the idea that servers everywhere in the U.S. only make $2.13/hr when they really make that in less than half of the states.

California has no server wage or tip credit, so the girl in the article was making at least $8/hr + tips. Servers make at least $10.24/hr + tips if in San Francisco, $9.04 + tips in Washington, $8.80 + tips in Oregon.

When I was sixteen years old working as a busboy/waiter at a buffet I made $80 a night in tips alone and that's not even a real waiter where they're getting 15% of $150.

I bet I'd make $200-300 a night at a decent restaurant. It's not hard.

Know how many minutes it's been since you've visited each table

crouch so you're eye level when you talk

If they tell you their name when you give them yours use it often, make up a memorable way to for them to remember yours.

Focus on hot points when engaging them (like if they're wearing a shirt that looks new or a nice necklace) "I've been eyeing a shirt just like that at Nordstroms, man it looks so good when on a person I'm just going to pull the trigger now and buy it! So, my name is Ethan, I'll be your personal server today... Tell me, yada yada... "

Say please and thank you, learn how to tell a joke

Refill when they're around 40%

Ask them if they'll like a doggy bag. Don't ask if they want to take it home, ask for a doggy bag. People love doggies.

Thank them for being such wonderful guests.

Leave a little gift of some sort. Maybe a coupon if it's that type of place or throw them a free drink if you can.

Or just do what the banker suggested and get a better job. The only waiters I see who bitch about their pay are people who are emotionally lazy.

Fuck em
When I was sixteen years old working as a busboy/waiter at a buffet I made $80 a night in tips alone and that's not even a real waiter where they're getting 15% of $150.

I bet I'd make $200-300 a night at a decent restaurant. It's not hard.

Know how many minutes it's been since you've visited each table

crouch so you're eye level when you talk

If they tell you their name when you give them yours use it often, make up a memorable way to remember their name

Focus on hot points when engaging them (like if they're wearing a shirt that looks new or a nice necklace) "I've been eyeing a shirt just like that at Nordstroms, man it looks so good when on a person I'm just going to pull the trigger now and buy it! So, my name is Ethan, I'll be your personal server today... Tell me, yada yada... "

Say please and thank you, learn how to tell a joke

Refill when they're around 40%

Ask them if they'll like a doggy bag. Don't ask if they want to take it home, ask for a doggy bag. People love doggies.

Thank them for being such wonderful guests.

Leave a little gift of some sort. Maybe a coupon if it's that type of place or throw them a free drink if you can.

Or just do what the banker suggested and get a better job. The only waiters I see who bitch about their pay are people who are emotionally lazy.

Fuck em

brb quitting this online nonsense to use these tips to be the best waiter evarrr.
When I was sixteen years old working as a busboy/waiter at a buffet I made $80 a night in tips alone and that's not even a real waiter where they're getting 15% of $150.

I bet I'd make $200-300 a night at a decent restaurant. It's not hard.

Know how many minutes it's been since you've visited each table

crouch so you're eye level when you talk

If they tell you their name when you give them yours use it often, make up a memorable way to for them to remember yours.

Focus on hot points when engaging them (like if they're wearing a shirt that looks new or a nice necklace) "I've been eyeing a shirt just like that at Nordstroms, man it looks so good when on a person I'm just going to pull the trigger now and buy it! So, my name is Ethan, I'll be your personal server today... Tell me, yada yada... "

Say please and thank you, learn how to tell a joke

Refill when they're around 40%

Ask them if they'll like a doggy bag. Don't ask if they want to take it home, ask for a doggy bag. People love doggies.

Thank them for being such wonderful guests.

Leave a little gift of some sort. Maybe a coupon if it's that type of place or throw them a free drink if you can.

Or just do what the banker suggested and get a better job. The only waiters I see who bitch about their pay are people who are emotionally lazy.

Fuck em

shut the fuck up and bring me my water bitch
Could use a few ideas.

I bought because the guy who started left it open.

(And btw, I don't believe that story at all. Which led me to the domain, I guess.

It's rare enough for senior investment bankers to take out subordinates on $100 workday lunches, but to pull shit like this on top?

It takes the cartoonish imagination of a hateful outsider to come up with this. Of course we have no name, no firm, not even a blog anymore.)

Heavy viral activity on this story - and I have a T&A and laughs site with a heavy wall street readership that might relish this kind of story.

I'm in "what now?" mode.
Your eyes will turn to this if you don't tip..

[ame=]Buscemi Eyes - YouTube[/ame]
I normally tip well as long the service was decent. I am always super polite and friendly to anyone who is handling my food so I usually get good service anyway lol.

I've only ever not tipped ONE time in my life. It was just seriously the most piss poor service I've ever seen from the time I walked in to the time I left. I used to frequent the place at least once a week but have not been back since this incident.

My order took like 45 minutes, it was wrong, and the food was cold. I didn't get mad or cause a scene. I didn't even ask for a replacement meal. Since I was a regular here and knew they were probably just having a bad night, I simply asked for my check so I could pay and leave.

It took them like 45 minutes to get me my check. About 15 minutes in, I asked to talk a manager so I could just get my bill and leave. When the server came back, he didn't apologize or anything - he just threw it on the table and walked away. Literally.

But yeah, thats the only time in my entire life I didn't tip a server. Not my fault he was having a bad night.