lol @ keyword restrictions

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You can't even post it all here in one post...
It exceeds the character count by 12,000+ Characters
personal opinion: neverblue is going to shit.

they have one advertiser they let scrub based on "confidential criteria".
Check out the keyword restrictions on offer 2954 at NVB for a good laugh.

*** scrapes keywords for competing campaign ***

Seriously tho, that's fucked up. Sure you can promote this through search, just dont use *any* keywords that could possibly convert for you...
Bummer... can't bid on "berkshire hathaway annual report" or "Annial" when promoting that offer. What are we supposed to do then?
Saw an affiliate offer the other day which stated that Affiliates may NOT use Pay Per Click on Google. But MSN and Yahoo! was fine. Well, that merchant can stick that offer up their ass.
Hey all, the keyword restrictions are required by the advertiser in order for us to run it on search. Its not something we decided to put in there. Its up to you if you'd like to run it or not.

As far as the display of the keywords... yeah its pretty bad. We'll try to put up a better way to display them shortly. PM me if you have any suggestions.

Hey all, the keyword restrictions are required by the advertiser in order for us to run it on search. Its not something we decided to put in there. Its up to you if you'd like to run it or not.

As far as the display of the keywords... yeah its pretty bad. We'll try to put up a better way to display them shortly. PM me if you have any suggestions.

At some point though, the keyword restrictions just seem like a ploy to catch people who didn't read into it enough before starting it. Great way to get free leads.
I'm constantly amazed at how restrictive some people make their offers. Someone needs to tell them "If you're going to restrict everything, you're just not looking for affiliates".
A bit ago(not on NVB) I found a campaign that allowed only media buy banners. No CPC on search. No content network(even with image ads). It forced you into a media buy. As if I'm going to do their branding for them. Sheesh.
At some point though, the keyword restrictions just seem like a ploy to catch people who didn't read into it enough before starting it. Great way to get free leads.
I'm constantly amazed at how restrictive some people make their offers. Someone needs to tell them "If you're going to restrict everything, you're just not looking for affiliates".
A bit ago(not on NVB) I found a campaign that allowed only media buy banners. No CPC on search. No content network(even with image ads). It forced you into a media buy. As if I'm going to do their branding for them. Sheesh.

Yeah, I see what you're getting at. And if we feel the advertiser is being sketchy or not providing a good value to affiliates we'll shut them down. But sometimes in order to get a new advertiser on board you need to give a little to get them set up in the hopes that eventually we can work it into a really big campaign that works well for everyone.
What gets me are the campaigns that allow search PPC but don't allow you to outbid the company your advertising. Also they don't allow you to be ranked higher than them on any keywords they are also bidding on. are we supposed to know if we are outbidding them? Also, how the hell are we supposed to track every keyword they use (when they don't tell us what they are) and make sure we aren't ranked higher due to quality score or something? Do these people actually think they are going to get a bunch of affiliate promoting them?
What gets me are the campaigns that allow search PPC but don't allow you to outbid the company your advertising. Also they don't allow you to be ranked higher than them on any keywords they are also bidding on. are we supposed to know if we are outbidding them? Also, how the hell are we supposed to track every keyword they use (when they don't tell us what they are) and make sure we aren't ranked higher due to quality score or something? Do these people actually think they are going to get a bunch of affiliate promoting them?

This pisses me off. Along with not bidding on the advertisers brand. I mean I know they see it as me skimming money off of the marketing they have done to build their brand, but their competitors are going to bid on their trademark anyway.
I tried logging into neverblue to see the restrictions and couldn't see that tab. What a waste of time for everyone involved with it.
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