lol citibank lol

How is it possible for big corporations, especially a bank, to be so oblivious to security issues? I don't get it. This is why the cloud scares me.
How is it possible for big corporations, especially a bank, to be so oblivious to security issues? I don't get it. This is why the cloud scares me.

You said it man, I mean if you are getting a MYSQL Injection type attack and your a bank... wtf are you paying huge security firms for?
You said it man, I mean if you are getting a MYSQL Injection type attack and your a bank... wtf are you paying huge security firms for?


We have 2 days to notify the bank of any fraud charges. Thats all they legally have to give us. Apparently we are responsible for fraud after that.

Dude got $90K taken from his biz bank account and hasn't gotten it back in 9 months.

"Lopez actually reported his theft right away, but as a small business owner with a corporate account, the transaction was not governed by Regulation E, which only protects consumers. So when Bank of America determined the problem was faulty security on his end, it decided not to refund his money.

NBC: Internet banking perils - Nightly News -

Anyone every go over this with their bank? What do you do to limit the risk?

It makes no sense we are all at complete risk of this, and there is nothing we can do. Obv the bank will say we did not protect our accounts and not pay us.