lol at these guys getting a beating


New member
Nov 9, 2009
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

I like that guy's no-questions-asked attitude.

Also, that second guy gets a beating pretty much just for standing there.

Lol, I saw that awhile back and it's awesome if it's real. The perfect way to respond to a bully. I think it's in Russia or some Eastern European country.
This vid was just on here maybe 2 months ago. I believe we confirmed the two guys who got a beatin' were Circa and Dullspace.
Dont mess with a Russian in a black and yellow tracksuit. Hopefully these guys have now learned that lesson.
The second guy is not "just standing there" - he is the "scout" who tells the first guy whenever a "hit" is coming up. Even if it is caught on video, the first guy (the "hitter") will claim that he never saw the woman, and that it was accidental. The second guy never touches the woman, so he also gets away.

In the video, notice the way the "scout" notifies, and the "hitter" positions himself by moving back.

This happens here also, especially in crowded places - it is just that many of us think it is accidental, and won't give it a second thought.
Bragging about hitting a girl on the chest? I don't get it

I was thinking the same thing. But after looking at the video again, that really does seem to be what they are doing. Why else would a video camera be pointed to two guys just standing there talking? It looks like whoever was holding the camera was in on the whole thing. Which means these retards just set themselves up to be filmed getting pummeled by one guy, which makes it even better.
to sum it up:

1. scouting
2. hitting a girl on the chest
3. ???
4. bragging
Still makes no sense. The 2 retards just stood there and got pummeled. Neither of them even threw one punch or tried to defend themselves. Surely must have figured that at some point a male companion would object to them hitting his girl, yet when it happens they don't even try to defend themselves?

Vladimir: Hey Alexei, let's go down to the park and hit random women that walk by...

Alexei: Fuk yeah, and when their boyfriends get pissed let's just stand there and get our asses whooped!

Vladimir: Sounds like fun. (drinks more vodka) Let's do this!
