Logo trademark question..


New member
Sep 12, 2012
I'm working on a social media marketing site and am trying to come up with a few ideas for the logo..

I have a concept that I really like but the logo would include the logos of g+, fb, twitter, pinterest, and a couple more (think all of the major social site logos in a circle). My first thought would be that this would be a no go, and would cause some trademark issues, but then thought about all of the android sites that use an iteration of the Android logo:

Android Phone
Reviews | Android Central
Reviews - Android Authority

and thought I'd ask here to hopefully get a little clarification. So, if I don't use exact replicas of these social media logos will I be in the clear? I'm guessing that it's somewhat of a grey area, but would really appreciate a little advice here.


I wouldn't mind about someone using my logo as part of their own if it made me money. That can be arranged if you don't put their reputation into question. But imagine the risk if only one of those companies complained, all that effort into making a brand logo would go to waste.

Honoring copyright: Legal ways to use social media logos

Check this out. I'm sure you would be breaking many those guidelines. It might be only a matter of time before someone complained. Personally I wouldn't recommend it.
I wouldn't mind about someone using my logo as part of their own if it made me money. That can be arranged if you don't put their reputation into question. But imagine the risk if only one of those companies complained, all that effort into making a brand logo would go to waste.

Honoring copyright: Legal ways to use social media logos

Check this out. I'm sure you would be breaking many those guidelines. It might be only a matter of time before someone complained. Personally I wouldn't recommend it.