Locked out of WP-ADMIN


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Gump Town
Well I do have the login written down SOMEWHERE, but that somewhere I can't find. I tried all the combinations I usually use but to no luck.

To top it all off I don't have a usable backup of the site either.

Do I have any alternatives other than nuking the install and starting over ?

if you can access phpmyadmin through your control panel, go into the wp_options table and change the email to one you have access to, then just do a password recovery
if you can access phpmyadmin through your control panel, go into the wp_options table and change the email to one you have access to, then just do a password recovery

Or just enter in a new password for your user in the users table - check it to be entered in as md5 and you are good.
God... I love you guys. Thanks for making my day a bit brighter ! Thought I really screwed the pooch on this. Going from FrontPage to WordPress has been a learning curve.
I was going to say just to use phpadmin to just clear the password so you can log in without a passwd to change it to whatever.

But then
check it to be entered in as md5
Is that a new option in phpadmin or do you mean just to do an md5 elsewhere?
Just take a phrase that you have that is md5'd and enter it into the password. No it is not an option per se in phpadmin.

But you can look around. Find the right field and then replace it.

There are phrases on the internet that are md5.
"Edit" the row in the user table for wp - there is ALWAYS an md5 option.

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i think you will have to use an md5 encrypter to get the md5 has for your password, and enter the hash into the field.

I may be mistaken, Im taking a guess.
What good does choosing MD5 do for you ? Sorry for being stupid but I don't know the uses of this. I did Google it and got lost bigger than I was before. :)