Local Partnerships


Dec 12, 2007
I know a lot of you guys on this forum are doing well with your affiliate ventures because you have built your liquid assets up over time or you had some sort of financial backing.

What about the guy who is making $200-500 per day and knows how (or has the potential to) to take his business to $5,000 per day but simply doesn't have the cash to do so? I am thinking there are probably quite a few affiliates out there in this scenario?

The reason I am asking is because I have that cash available to use but I am busy with my own projects/businesses. If I could find an affiliate marketer in the position above locally and work out a partnership with him/her, that would be a win-win, right? Have any of you guys done this? If so, how did you go about finding the right person to partner with?

You will get scammed, guaranteed!

If you can turn 500 a day you can keep rolling that over until you can make 5000 a day.

If you think you can make 500 a day, you will keep telling people you can make 5000 a day on their dollar until you have run out of people to sucker.
Although a very cool idea it'd probably be hard to find people in your area. And like the above poster said finding legit people may be a little hard, too.

Something I really enjoy is real estate. A tangible asset that you can feel good about. I`m actually looking at my first rental property now - just a five unit but I`m really excited about it.

Most guys at the 200-300 level that you would want will work their ass off, live on dollars and just eat ravioli, if thats what it means to reach their desired income level. Id be afraid that maybe the people you would attract with this offer would be just looking for a magic button and could be more problems then they're good for.
This depends. A year and a half ago when I was doing $500 days, I had no idea how to really scale. I kept diving deeper and deeper with the traffic sources I was running with, but could never get to where I would have loved to be. Scaling takes time, experience and experimentation since most of the time it's moving the same offer to new traffic sources. What works with one may not work with the other. If it does though....Kaboom!

Re: Partnerships however, it all depends on what each partner can bring to the table. The newbish affiliate that's making $500 per day may have some funds in his account to scale, but may not have any idea how. The more experienced guy will have funds, credit and could scale that same campaign to the limit. The risk to the newb is that he's giving away his livelyhood campaign, one that he's guarded like a dog and his bone. The more experienced guy is giving away new traffic sources and advice on how to scale (or may need to actually fund the partnership if the newb doesn't have the cashflow). It would be pretty easy for each party to say "ya thanks but no thanks" and take those ideas and run with it. Each party has to assume a certain level of risk to make it work.

Partnerships most of the time are shit, it's really hard to really trust people especially in this biz because it's so easy to duplicate and run the shit yourselves. I'm experimenting with partnerships now and so far so good, but this is only because I trust the people I'm working with, and I'm sure they trust me equally.

I'm in the same boat as Stussy, got cash to play with but little time. Can't complain though, but at the same time I'm always looking for new ventures (online and offline). Diversification is key to survival when being your own boss.
I agree with Spliff...on the same note it would be cool to know who is where locally and find other decent affiliates locally. I recently suggested we add a networking part of the forum by city or state at least....whether people will use it or not is another question.