Local Niche Website

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Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
So as I mentioned in my other thread, I have this great idea for a local niche to crush here in my town (a la the "How to make $200K in a year" post)

My question is this...when deciding on a domain name, should I use the name of my town in it?

So, if I lived in Atlanta (I don't) and I was targeting snipe hunting (I'm not), would I do...


OR just

snipehunting.com and GEAR it towards Atlanta (keyword targetting, etc)?

The thinking being that, if I keep it universal, IF it should happen to go big, I could then move on and expand it to other cities.

On the other hand, throwing the name of the town in there really does drill right down to the local market.

Not sure which is the best way to go. Thoughts?

start small... your local city + keyword. Should you "get big" find another brandable term that you can scale to all cities, because its unlikely that "keyword.com" will be available.
Good call. You're right, that keyword is not available on a larger scale but I could come up with a derivative if necessary. I will start small. Thanks.
Your choice.
Pick 1, the other or do both.

I personally now have many of both and it seem like it does not matter.

Just commit to whatever you decide on and work it.
plan big ... atlanta.snipehunting.com

then lease out the other atlantasnipeshooting.com

It's probably easier to promote / market the latter since the dot will screw most corporate types up. So plan for ignorance from the get go.
Some IT guy told me that using a period in a domain name meant the owner owned the sub domain name. In this example sub domain would equal .snipehunting. Is that how it works?

What are you talking about? That makes no sense. Can you explain what you're saying? Was 'some IT guy' named Amit Mehta?
Here's what I've been doing.
I registered a domain for my city that could seem like a directory.
You could do yourguidetoatlanta.com.... then have:

How essential is it (seo wise) to have the city name in the domain. I know it's a question of how competitive the niche is, how highly seo'd your site is for your target keywords etc, but for those that have been building these directories, have you had better results from including the city name in the domain name?
If you're solely targeting the local area ... yes, city name in the domain is very important. If you've got a lot of competition from larger directories (yellowpages etc) having the city in your domain is going to give you an upper hand from the get go.
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