Local news reporter attends ShakeWeight workout... hilarity ensues

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6wezQzKxAw]YouTube - Allie MacKay - Shake Weight workout part 2 (6 AM Newscast)[/ame]

Hahahaha, wow. "I have a little white one" - news anchor guy.

Hahahaha - 'Mark was telling me you've been doing this exercise for years...' -> 'That's true. Who hasn't?' nice masturbation joke there at the end
"Mark has been telling me that you've been doing this exercise for years"

- "That's true, who hasn't."

lolol. That shit was great.
This is the group of anchors that are still auditioning for insurance commercials on the side. They are not giving up on their dreams and that news program is their potential ticket to fame.