Local Deals Sites Affiliate Programs


New member
May 13, 2007

Long time no post for me, with the risk of getting blasted, I have to ask:

Can anyone put me in the right direction to source, signup and get going with Local Deals Sites like Groupon?

Tried the search here but no luck.


When I applied for Groupon on CJ I think it was on A.A, not sure now but they are still available to join on CJ.

Also there is a plugin in the WP repository who shares his commission with you for a number of deal sites, just go to Wordpress.org and search under the plugins 'Groupon' and it should come up, best thing about his plugin is it comes with built in Geo + Context related deals.
Globalizer and Offerweb have groupon but you have to ask very nicely and run super clean traffic.