List Your Hosting/Server Set ups

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Sep 24, 2007
Ok, can we talk hosting/servers for a bit, I'm looking for my own server because I'm outgrowing everything else or it doesn't work.

My Setup:

"Reseller Account" WHM/Cpanel
Apache 1.3/PHP5/MySQL 5
Shared environment

Some resources are dedicated.

As a follow up, can we also talk about the benefits of running something like cPanel versus only installing what you need on the servers, which is Apache/Database/PHP.
As of right now..

About 5-6 shared accounts.
2 resellers.
1 VPS with PowerVPS
and as of today (woohoo!) a BEAST of a Dual Xeon with SoftLayer.

For my use *cough* cPanel wasted 2x more resources than PLESK. I started running PLESK on my VPS and I'm going completely custom (manual everything) on my dual xeon. I'll report back about that ease of use later but so far it's day 1 and I can do a new domain from scratch in my NS's and apache in under a minute. Not too shabby.
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