List of SOPA supporters


Affiliate Network
Mar 19, 2007
Looks like GoDaddy lost 70k domains over SOPA support. Unfortunately, there are many other companies that support SOPA.

Are there any organized protests targeting these companies?
List of Supporters: H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act
60 Plus Association
Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP)
American Bankers Association (ABA)
American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
Americans for Tax Reform
Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States
Association of American Publishers (AAP)
Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies
Association of Talent Agents (ATA)
Beachbody, LLC
BMG Chrysalis
Building and Construction Trades Department
Capitol Records Nashville
Cengage Learning
Christian Music Trade Association
Church Music Publishers’ Association
Coalition Against Online Video Piracy (CAOVP)
Concerned Women for America (CWA)
Congressional Fire Services Institute
Copyright Alliance
Coty, Inc.
Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB)
Council of State Governments
Country Music Association
Country Music Television
Creative America
Directors Guild of America (DGA)
Disney Publishing Worldwide, Inc.
EMI Christian Music Group
EMI Music Publishing
Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
Estée Lauder Companies
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
Gospel Music Association
Graphic Artists Guild
Hachette Book Group
HarperCollins Publishers Worldwide, Inc.
Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA)
International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)
International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
International Union of Police Associations
Lost Highway Records
Major County Sheriffs
Major League Baseball
Majority City Chiefs
Marvel Entertainment, LLC
MasterCard Worldwide
MCA Records
McGraw-Hill Education
Mercury Nashville
Minor League Baseball (MiLB)
Minority Media & Telecom Council (MMTC)
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Moving Picture Technicians
MPA – The Association of Magazine Media
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators
National Association of State Chief Information Officers
National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Crime Justice Association
National District Attorneys Association
National Domestic Preparedness Coalition
National Football League
National Governors Association, Economic Development and Commerce Committee
National League of Cities
National Narcotics Offers’ Associations’ Coalition
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA)
National Songwriters Association
National Troopers Coalition
News Corporation
Pearson Education
Penguin Group (USA), Inc.
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
Pfizer, Inc.
Provident Music Group
Random House
Raulet Property Partners
Republic Nashville
Scholastic, Inc.
Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Showdog Universal Music
Sony/ATV Music Publishing
Sony Music Entertainment
Sony Music Nashville
State International Development Organization (SIDO)
The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO)
The Perseus Books Groups
The United States Conference of Mayors
Tiffany & Co.
Time Warner
True Religion Brand Jeans
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
UMG Publishing Group Nashville
United States Chamber of Commerce
United States Olympic Committee
United States Tennis Association
Universal Music
Universal Music Publishing Group
Visa Inc.
W.W. Norton & Company
Wallace Bajjali Development Partners, L.P.
Warner Music Group
Warner Music Nashville
Wolters Kluewer Health
Word Entertainment

Pretty interesting seeing this same list presented over at GFY with most of them overwhelmingly supporting it, which is obvious since most there have been screwed over by tube sites.

I think many of those companies above are in the same boat, they support it and will continue to support it regardless of the few provisions that most everyone else has trouble with.

Mainly this little tidbit from a harvard constitutional law professor:
The notice-and-termination procedure of Section 103(a) runs afoul of the "prior restraint" doctrine, because it delegates to a private party the power to suppress speech without prior notice and a judicial hearing. This provision of the bill would give complaining parties the power to stop online advertisers and credit card processors from doing business with a website, merely by filing a unilateral notice accusing the site of being "dedicated to theft of U.S. property" – even if no court has actually found any infringement. The immunity provisions in the bill create an overwhelming incentive for advertisers and payment processors to comply with such a request immediately upon receipt. The Supreme Court has made clear that "only a judicial determination in an adversary proceeding ensures the necessary sensitivity to freedom of expression [and] only a procedure requiring a judicial determination suffices to impose a valid final restraint." Freedman v. Maryland , 380 U.S. 51, 58 (1965). "[P]rior restraints on speech and publication are the most serious and the least tolerable infringement on First Amendment rights." Nebraska Press Assn. v. Stuart , 427 U.S. 539, 559 (1976).
People should be consistent with who they choose to attack/boycott. All I see is the same old GoDaddy hate (even though they did take it back). How many of you are still sporting Adidas and Nike products?! & as if anyone would boycott ESPN.
I was kinda thinking the same thing. Fuck ESPN though, I can get by on NFL Network and MLB Network, then I saw NFL and MLB are supporters so I guess I'll just be a hypocrite then. However, MLB and NFL (as well as a lot of those companies listed) are trying to protect their own intellectual property, whereas GoDaddy is essentially part of the infrastructure of the Internet and trying to be part of the enforcement mechanism of SOPA.

In other words, if I had a copyrighted MLB clip on a site I would expect MLB to take issue with it and demand a takedown, but I wouldn't expect my registrar to fuck me in the ass. It's not their property they should simply act as an arbiter and either enforce the DMCA or not.

EXACTLY. GoDaddy is trying to be the internet police when they should stick to being a registrar and hosting company and keep their fucking noses out of other people's business.
They supposedly want to limit the power of government. People are asking them on facebook why they support sopa, but they aren't responding.

I am pro-SOPA. This is exactly what we need, put the internet into the governments hands and hopefully this will expand to the government regulating the e-giants like Google also.

SOPA and S.978 will have no impact on people who are not making a profit from willful copyright infringement. If people actually bothered to read the bills rather than lies fed to them by those who oppose it.

It is already a felony to upload or publish copyright infringement materials for profit and has been since 1986. That won't change but what will change is the ability of the feds to take action to protect the US owners of copyrighted materials being illegally broadcast or published by websites who intentionally ignore the laws.

I think I know why you Internet marketers are opposed to this law. Because you steal content from websites created by law-abiding citizens for your own profit. Hopefully spinning and publishing articles written by others will be covered.

Are people really actually afraid that they might have to pay for the things without breaking the law?

"The problem of rogue websites is real, immediate, and increasing. It harms companies across the spectrum. And its scope is staggering."
Rep. Jerrold Nadler
No im just tired of the gov getting into my shit. Now they are creeping their dirty fingers in the internet. Inch by inch they will have it. Gov needs to go work on figuring out there own day to day ponzi scheme, stop spending money, and stay out of my shit.
^^^ someone ban this ignorant tard please. I'm sure he wont mind his stupidity being regulated.

(Refering to SEOisEVIL)
I am pro-SOPA. This is exactly what we need, put the internet into the governments hands and hopefully this will expand to the government regulating the e-giants like Google also.

SOPA and S.978 will have no impact on people who are not making a profit from willful copyright infringement. If people actually bothered to read the bills rather than lies fed to them by those who oppose it.

It is already a felony to upload or publish copyright infringement materials for profit and has been since 1986. That won't change but what will change is the ability of the feds to take action to protect the US owners of copyrighted materials being illegally broadcast or published by websites who intentionally ignore the laws.

I think I know why you Internet marketers are opposed to this law. Because you steal content from websites created by law-abiding citizens for your own profit. Hopefully spinning and publishing articles written by others will be covered.

Are people really actually afraid that they might have to pay for the things without breaking the law?

"The problem of rogue websites is real, immediate, and increasing. It harms companies across the spectrum. And its scope is staggering."
Rep. Jerrold Nadler
You know what? I was always wondering what a liberal, New York Congressman had to say about the Internet. Thank you, now I do!

Seriously, fuck off. You don't have to steal content to know how dangerous SOPA is.
I honestly want to know something: When was the last time you ever, in your life, met someone over the age of 18 that has never broken a law in their life?

I cannot honestly answer that question as the scope of breaking the law covers so much.. Going 1mile an hour over the speed limit is breaking the law so your question is invalid.
I cannot honestly answer that question as the scope of breaking the law covers so much.. Going 1mile an hour over the speed limit is breaking the law so your question is invalid.

Your car should be taken away and crushed if someone accuses you of driving 1mph over the speed limit . The post SOPA regulated world is no place for law breakers.
Your car should be taken away and crushed if someone accuses you of driving 1mph over the speed limit . The post SOPA regulated world is no place for law breakers.

There should be consequences for breaking the law but come on, crushing someones car is a bit too far. A monetary fine plus suspension of thier license until they re-sit and pass thier driving test again is more than sufficent and what I would push for.
I am pro-SOPA. This is exactly what we need, put the internet into the governments hands and hopefully this will expand to the government regulating the e-giants like Google also.

SOPA and S.978 will have no impact on people who are not making a profit from willful copyright infringement. If people actually bothered to read the bills rather than lies fed to them by those who oppose it.

It is already a felony to upload or publish copyright infringement materials for profit and has been since 1986. That won't change but what will change is the ability of the feds to take action to protect the US owners of copyrighted materials being illegally broadcast or published by websites who intentionally ignore the laws.

I think I know why you Internet marketers are opposed to this law. Because you steal content from websites created by law-abiding citizens for your own profit. Hopefully spinning and publishing articles written by others will be covered.

Are people really actually afraid that they might have to pay for the things without breaking the law?

"The problem of rogue websites is real, immediate, and increasing. It harms companies across the spectrum. And its scope is staggering."
Rep. Jerrold Nadler

best troll is best.