List of n00b questions


New member
Jul 6, 2009
I am just gonna post some questions here that I need answers to. Only answer what you want to answer. I know there are some questions that may never get answered as most successful people don't just go around blabbing about tricks of the trade just to be doing it.
I want to do CPA, by the way.

1.) Google, MSN, & Yahoo - have they really stopped allowing CPA campaigns? (using PPC) If so, I don't want to wast my time with them.

2.) Facebook, will they allow CPA?

3.) Myspace, I heard it sucks there and that they don't allow CPA, but I see those types of ads currently running and was just wondering why one person can do it but not another.

4.) Direct linking - I'm assuming this is when you have no landing page and the link will take you straight to the product page. Why is it a bad idea to do this? Is it soley because it makes for a crappy conversion rate or is there more?

5.) Social Bookmarking, what is that exactly? I saw that Red_Virus has a package for sale, which I will probably buy, but I need to make sure I fully understand what it is.

6.) Backlinks (or incoming links) - Is this the same thing Red_Virus is offering?

7.) I will eventually want to purchase content, comments and/or reviews for my site. Is this what is known as an ad copy?

8.) Does the term "organic" on here mean traffic that hasn't been paid for?

9.) I have $300 after paying for the above mentioned things and web hosting. Should I choose 3 different places to advertise and see how it goes....or should I throw the $300 all into one place and wait till I have more money to spend to try other places for traffic?

10.) What is a blogroll??

Feel free to add on to the list of questions. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help us n00bs!

I am just gonna post some questions here that I need answers to. Only answer what you want to answer. I know there are some questions that may never get answered as most successful people don't just go around blabbing about tricks of the trade just to be doing it.
I want to do CPA, by the way.

4.) Direct linking - I'm assuming this is when you have no landing page and the link will take you straight to the product page. Why is it a bad idea to do this? Is it soley because it makes for a crappy conversion rate or is there more?

7.) I will eventually want to purchase content, comments and/or reviews for my site. Is this what is known as an ad copy?

Feel free to add on to the list of questions. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help us n00bs!

4.) Direct linking usually sucks. The idea of a landing page is to make a presell. To get the viewer hyped to buy the product. In my experience of two campaigns (also a newb :drinkup: ) I have not gotten any conversions through direct linking. So I strongly advise that you use a landing page.

7.) No an ad copy is the actual ad on google adwords or facebook. It is the little thing you click on to get to your site.
Your landing page would be considered ad copy as well. With the limited adcenter/adwords ad space, there isn't much selling going on. Ad Copy basically is the created content that drives a consumer to fill their need/want/pain thru the use of your specific product.

1, 2, 3. Nobody wants to have rebills promoted on their sites. They want honest good stuff promoted, nothing that will damage their hard earned image.

4. Direct linking. your Landing page is a presell page. Priming the pump, to get the consumer to buy from your link. If you direct link, you have no unique selling position. Hundreds of other people are direct linking to the same offer, Use an LP, and give them a reason to buy from you.

6. Backlinks are real sites, linking back to you. This raises a search engines opinion of your site, pushing towards "authority" in the subject/keywords.

8. yes

9. Hit one, and learn to make it work. Adcenter, and adwords are different, in lots of ways. Test and perfect on msn and yahoo. then when you are ready for much more traffic, with generally a lower conversion rate, hit google.

10. Here is an example of a blogroll.

Welcome to WF
Thanks for taking the time to clear some of this up for me.

10. Here is an example of a blogroll.

I especially needed that one cleared up.
a blogroll is just a list of links to (usually) other blogs that people put up on their own blogs..originally, it consisted of links to friend blogs and such; now it's usually adspace :) (paid links)
Wow this was a great list! I wonder if I should add my own questions here?
7) This isn't ad copy, but the content on your site could be sales copy. In other words, the content (information) on your site could be salesy or purely informative.

Sales copy would be biased and trying to persuade them to buy your products or services. Informative content would more likely be unbiased & would not have a goal at the end--wraping up with a sales pitch.

8) Yes. :) An organic search result shows up because it's relative not because you've paid to have it show on the first page (like PPC). This is the best kind of search results long term & in the long run is cheaper for you. Besides, the traffic from organic results are usually more targeted. (However, if you're comparing to PPC, it would depend how you're running your PPC Campaigns & what keywords you're advertising under).

I do PPC, but I want to rank high in the search results for relevent keywords. When you're ranking in the organic listings, you don't pay for your visitors to click your site as you would with PPC.

9) I would probably divide your money 2 ways-maybe Adcenter & Yahoo if your keywords are highly competitive. I find that it is easier to rank higher with PPC in Adcenter, but they do get less traffic than either Yahoo or Google.