List building question


New member
Jul 26, 2010
I'm sure most have heard of the usual cliches about list building..

"The money is in the list"
"If you dont start building your list from day 1, you're wasting a lot of your time and effort"

But my question is, if you are just starting out, how should you exactly build a list?? (I dont mean in terms of strategies, like giving free reports with opt -ins , forum marketing, articles, etc,etc those I know)

Like, is it better to build a 'generic' list where you could promote any generic products, or focus on a particular niche and have ultra targetted people on your list?

You would probably get a much bigger list with the first one and a much smaller list on the small one.. so which one would be better? Or Both? Or None?

Like, is it better to build a 'generic' list where you could promote any generic products, or focus on a particular niche and have ultra targetted people on your list?

Not sure where you plan to build a list. But it would normally be on your site, which would obviously be targeted to the viewers who are visiting it. (the niche of your project)
Not sure where you plan to build a list. But it would normally be on your site, which would obviously be targeted to the viewers who are visiting it. (the niche of your project)

Yes, that's exactly what I am puzzled about. Because for example if I only had a site based on dating, obviously the people who opt in would be interested in dating stuff.

Whereas if maybe I had a more generic blog, maybe a blog with my daily rants and I just gave out free reports regarding anything under the sun every now and then, I could promote a lot more stuff?
i think your better off choosing a very specific niche, rather then..."anything", even 'dating' is pretty broad?

is it dudes just looking to bang chicks? babes looking for a family guy? what race are they? are they wealthy? dorks? akward in public?

i dunno, just a thought
Launch a $1 or even a $0.50 product, and try to build a list of buyers. A list of 200 buyers can outperform a list of 1000 (or more) freebie-seekers.
This is an easy answer . . . Simply build a separate list for each 'category' you plan to have. For example, I have approximately 15 lists. Some of these are niche blog that have opt in forms on the side bar, some are full out squeeze pages, and others are product list buyers. If you use a company like Aweber you can create an unlimited number of lists. Don't sweat the small stuff. . . Try to keep the lists as targeted as possible. . . Better to have 20 small targeted lists than one large lists. Even though essentially its still the same 'list of people'.
If you are just looking for lists, you could also build landing pages and send PPV traffic to have people opt in

give out something free related to your target keyword/URLs demo in your PPV campaign
Article marketing is a good way to start. The people are prequalified that way. Why, because if they read a whole article, then opted in they are really motivated to learn more.

You can also use twitter, facebook and pretty much anywhere you get traffic.

Ezine Advertising is a good start too. Who's most likely to join a list? Someone who's already on a list...

I second what was said about buyers vs. freebie optins. This is particularly true in the mlm, mmo, etc space where people are inundated with free offers. Outside of those niches where people aren't used to that stuff though you could still get some good prospects with a freebie.
This is an easy answer . . . Simply build a separate list for each 'category' you plan to have. For example, I have approximately 15 lists. Some of these are niche blog that have opt in forms on the side bar, some are full out squeeze pages, and others are product list buyers. If you use a company like Aweber you can create an unlimited number of lists. Don't sweat the small stuff. . . Try to keep the lists as targeted as possible. . . Better to have 20 small targeted lists than one large lists. Even though essentially its still the same 'list of people'.

AWeber has a list limit of 500 suscribers right ? for the 19$/mth plan and you gotta pay more if you want to increase your amount of suscribers?

Does that 500 applies to all the suscribers in all of your different lists added up or 500 per list?

Article marketing is a good way to start. The people are prequalified that way. Why, because if they read a whole article, then opted in they are really motivated to learn more.

I am not wondering about the 'how' part. Free reports, cheap 0.50$ cents, ezines , etc, those I know and those I don't know I can easily find them somewhere else.

What I am confused about is building a huge generic list as opposed to small targetted lists in various niches.

For example in the other WF(the red one) tons of people have sigs in their signatures to opt-ins, which I presume are 'generic' lists. Then you have people on Traffic exchanges and safelists where they try go get people to opt in every single time with a squeeze page.. Naturally I would think that that way of building a generic list might work for some ?
You got a lot of really good answers here, interesting stuff.

AWeber has a list limit of 500 suscribers right ? for the 19$/mth plan and you gotta pay more if you want to increase your amount of suscribers?

Does that 500 applies to all the suscribers in all of your different lists added up or 500 per list?

On a side note, I don't understand why ppl use AWeber and third party subscription services, when you can buy a newsletter script with all the bells and whistles for under $100.- and run it yourself on your server.... Even on shared hosting you can have 10K's of subscribers.

What I am confused about is building a huge generic list as opposed to small targetted lists in various niches.

For example in the other WF(the red one) tons of people have sigs in their signatures to opt-ins, which I presume are 'generic' lists. Then you have people on Traffic exchanges and safelists where they try go get people to opt in every single time with a squeeze page.. Naturally I would think that that way of building a generic list might work for some ?

Do you have any idea on what you are planning to promote to your list? It seems like you're trying to reverse engineer this whole thing...

First you build some kind of site or service, then get viewers to opt in to a list for it. This is the normal way.

Which kind of site/topic/niche/list has better results? I think it comes down to the quality of what you are offering regardless of the niche - and how you lead viewers to it. (as noted by others above)....

Lists are a way to keep your viewers interested in your service/topic - so you can build a steady clientele, and eventually sell something, overtime, and have repeat customers.
You got a lot of really good answers here, interesting stuff.

On a side note, I don't understand why ppl use AWeber and third party subscription services, when you can buy a newsletter script with all the bells and whistles for under $100.- and run it yourself on your server.... Even on shared hosting you can have 10K's of subscribers.

Two Words answer this question: Spam & Delivarability

1. Spam Complaints - Get too many of these when you host your own server and you will no longer have a server . . . Think you won't get spam complaints? lol, You will . . . Just wait! Spam complaints will get your server/domain blacklisted as spam and then your FUCKED! If you get a spam complaint with Aweber that person is automatically removed from your list, so no more spam complaints. Aweber has a ton of servers also so you don't have to worry about spam complaints hurting you.

2. Deliverability - Aweber has one of the highest delivery rates in the industry.

If your gonna go the cheap route why spend $100? Hell I have an autoresponder script on my hard drive all zipped up! I'll send that piece of shit to you for free lol

You can get one for free at scripts sites as well. Just search 'free autoresponder script' on google.

But the old saying you get want you pay for is never more true when it comes to autoresponders.

And to answer the OP questiona bout Aweber. Yes after 500 subs it goes up to $29/month. Also, this is for the TOTAL number of subscribers in your Aweber account. I think Get response is free until you get 100 subs. Also, Mailchimp is free for the first 500 I think but lots of people have said that mail chimp does not allow affiliate marketing and that people have lost their lists for this reason. I don't know if that is true b/c I don't use mail chimp. I use Aweber and it works.

Takes money to make money!

Also, I ran across (i think thats the addy) and it was similar to aweber and had good prices (i think it was like 50 bux a year??) and I think there was even a free version. That isn't my site and I'm not an affiliate of it, just a random thought . . .
i prefer building list focusing on your target niche and have a target list
it pays because you will always know what they want and are willing to buy