Linking directly to the check out page?


New member
Feb 20, 2010
Hi wickedFire,

Long time reader, first time caller.

So I created myself a clickbank account and have been reading ebooks, working my way through the video series at affilorama, and I can't seem to find an answer to something I'm curious about.

If I wanted to promote a product-say resume writing guides/ebooks (I work in corporate recruiting, so this is something I feel I could sell pretty well once I start up a blog to shove content onto and toss a few LinkedIn Premium ads on) affiliate link would take me to the merchant's landing page.

What if I got my own landing page though and wanted to link straight to the checkout window after getting my copy perfected, buying a few stock photos of a hiring manager and hot intern and A/B testing the color of my call to action headline and wanted to send buyers straight to the merchant's checkout page?

Are there marketplaces that would let me do this, or do I have to send people to the merch's lander?

Thanks wickedFire,

newbie number 48,535

That depends on the policy of the seller. Some will want you to link to a specific page, others will let you link wherever you want.
Seems legit.

Let me ask this, does it harm conversions from what you've seen going from one landing page to a totally different landing page? Suppose the person has already decided they want in, you spend time making a lander that gets clicks, works on mobile, all the good juicy stuff and then you shoot them over to the merchant's site and they've got to scroll around just to find the "BUY NOW BUTTON".

Does it even matter?
It's generally better to optimize your pre-sell page and leave merchant's offer page alone. Why? They've probably done some split testing and found a copy that converts well and has low refunds. By focusing only on your ads and pre-sell you are focusing on the part of the funnel you will always have control over. I think it's just a better use of time.

But if you like doing offer landers this might be a good way to find copy that works well and then just switch over to your own product.
By focusing only on your ads and pre-sell you are focusing on the part of the funnel you will always have control over. I think it's just a better use of time.

Ah you know, this makes sense.

Thanks for the feedback, the both of you.

Yeaux (that's "yo" for those of you who don't speak Nawlins),

One more question and I'll shutup for a while. So let's say I wanted to promote a product but I don't have a blog, no content and no traffic but I live in a city where startup jobs are a plenty and resume writers stand to make a good penny. Could I buy a domain, throw it on a flyer and have that domain redirect to my affiliate URL?

My first thought is "It depends on the merchant/network rules", do people do this?
I'd personally focus on traffic strategies that are more scalable and don't rely on having to distribute flyers around the neighborhood. But it can't hurt to give it a try if you want to.