Link Wheel Development - Web 2.0 Properties - (Premium Service Based in the USA!)

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Jun 15, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Are You Looking For A Premium Web 2.0 Link Wheel Service?

First – let’s lay some ground rules about our service.

#1 – English is our first and only language.

#2 – We live and work inside the USA (in case you care).

#3 – We DO NOT use any software like SENuke to build our link wheels (all work is done manually and maintained to absolute perfection).

#4 – We stay behind exclusive proxies across different Class C’s during the all link wheel building activities. So it’s rare our wheels get banned.

#5 – This offer is about quality, we know you can find a cheaper link wheel developed and if you are looking for one, we know a great Pakistani guy who can help you.


Here is our link wheel development strategy:

- We start by writing a good quality article (since English is our first and only language, you can count on quality being good).

- Next we spin the article based on the total number of post to the Web 2.0 properties.

- We then provide 2 links for each article – 1 link to your money site and 1 link to another Web 2.0 property (some post will have 3 links so at which point we will add a supplemental link to another Web 2.0 property – this helps randomize things a bit).

- Next I build an amazing Video(s) for you that will be similar to YouTube - Frosted Glass Vases

- We also perform manual social book marking to each Web 2.0 property (post) that we create for you. (Again No Software Used – 100% ball sweating manual labor)

- As if that wasn’t enough . . . the final step is . . . with each property that provides a RSS feed will be sent to 100+ ping submission services.


Now, pursuant to the BST section TOS (full disclosure of other places we are selling this) you can see our service on

However, don’t be a D*Bag and order from there, because we are giving Wicked Fire members a discounted service.


Wicked Fire Member Pricing


10 Web 2.0 Properties – $32
10 Web 2.0 properties (PR 4 – PR 7), this package also includes: 1 Unique Article (spun 10 times) + 1 Custom Videos (uploaded to & posted to all 10 Web 2.0 Properties) + RSS / Feed Submission to 100+ ping list. Social bookmark deep-back-links made to each property.
2 Links per article – Up to 4 keywords / Anchor Text


15 Web 2.0 Properties – $52
15 Web 2.0 properties (PR 4 – PR 7), this package also includes: 1 Unique Article (spun15 times each to fill all 15 properties) + 3 Custom Videos (uploaded to & posted to all 15 Web 2.0 Properties) + RSS / Feed Submission to 100+ ping list. Social bookmark deep-back-links made to each property.
2 Links per article – Up to 4 keywords / Anchor Text


25 Web 2.0 Properties – $82
25 Web 2.0 properties (PR 4 – PR 9), this package also includes: 1 Unique Article (spun 25 times to fill all 25 properties) + 5 Custom Videos (uploaded to & posted to all 25 Web 2.0 Properties) + RSS / Feed Submission to 100+ ping list. Social bookmark deep-back-links made to each property.
2 Links per article – Up to 8 keywords / Anchor Text


High PR 7 – PR9 Link Wheel – 18 Web 2.0 Properties – $87
We have a total of 18 Web 2.0 properties all (PR 7 – PR 9), this package also includes: 2 Unique Article (spun 9 times each to fill all 18 PR7 – PR9 web 2.0 properties) + 4 Custom Videos (uploaded to & posted to all 18 Web 2.0 Properties) + RSS / Feed Submission to 100+ ping list. Social bookmark deep-back-links made to each property.
2 Links per article – Up to 5 keywords / Anchor Text


What To Do Next?
It’s pretty easy to get started; we made a special page for wicked fire members to place their orders.

As always please PM me with any questions, but we do stay VERY busy with this to say the least, so please keep stupid questions at bay, we will try to respond same day.

Wicked Fire Order Page >>>> Wicked Fire |

*We will give 1 Moderator a Free 10 Property Link Wheel*

PS - this service is a first come, first serve offer . . . we can NOT do 10 orders / day, so don't ask.

Typically we can handle 4 - 6 link wheels / day (100 - 150 total post) this is a labor intensive process. Avg. wait time as I write this is 3 - 4 days. (pre-pay to get your spot in line), although I fully expect for this to increase substantially as orders keep coming in. . . . if you have any questions about the wait time PM me.

Two questions -

How many SB links to each property?

I see you are offering one free review to a mod - any discounts for the first X ordered?

Since you are new to selling your services on WF, you may want to consider letting a few go for free/cheap.
*SB Links* - We currently manage 100 + do follow SB URL's with 5 Exclusive proxies and 1 user name / account / IP (so that gives us 500 total social book marking sites). . . . We do not have a set number, however it is usually 2+ SB deep links for each Web 2.0 property, however it can be more than this.

If you do not want us to use SB linking, we can also do drip article marketing as a replacement.

*New Service Discount* - It is true, that we are new here and while we would love to discount this even more its just not realistic. Like I said above this link wheel development service is based on quality nothing else . . . you are paying for our labor and the rest knowing it will be done right the first time.
Hey, I will want this service but in order for me to test its effectiveness, I will have to wait a couple months (I have another SEO firm working for me, right now).

Can you add me to your calendar to PM me / remind me to do this? PM me around October 1st.
I'll take the review copy and post an honest review with my feedback. I've been around WF since it first began and have more than enough rep to go around :) If it works out well, you will most likely have me as a paying customer in the near future.

Please send me a PM if this works for you.
I'll take a review copy as well. :D

If you're offering any, and if I qualify. I understand if I don't have enough posts or feedback to give a valued review of your service.
I know! But if he has 2, then maybe I can squeeze in :)

C'mon you know mods are whores for free shit :D

/edit/ dammit, everytime I see the words "Link Wheel" I get that damn Journey "Wheel in the sky" song stuck in my head for hours......
Don't let Mike's charm fool you. I slept with him on the first night and he never called me again :( Case in point, don't give it up to Mike for free! I always call back and even bring flowers and chocolates too!
Don't let Mike's charm fool you. I slept with him on the first night and he never called me again :( Case in point, don't give it up to Mike for free! I always call back and even bring flowers and chocolates too!

LOL! No seriously. He's right. I don't call when they just lay there like a fish.

But....if she bangs like a mad harpie, fuck yeah I'll call! :playboy_sml:
Well maybe if you didn't roofie my drink I wouldn't have laid there like a fish! I wasn't sore the next day so I guess that means Mike's ePenis is completely disproportionate to his real life one =P
WF is such an amazing deice of real estate.

I come back to my thread and laugh my balls off at the mods.

Because I got the grins and giggles out of your guys rant, you can both have a review copy (but give me an extra day to do it, I am going to be sweating like an whore in the summer working for free).

Reviews go to:

Can both of you PM me with the URL of your money site and a list of keywords (anchor text) and deep links.

You're the man! You won't have to worry about Mike coming after you if you really did laugh your balls off because thats all he's interested in :xomunch:

Sending you a PM now

WF is such an amazing deice of real estate.

I come back to my thread and laugh my balls off at the mods.

Because I got the grins and giggles out of your guys rant, you can both have a review copy (but give me an extra day to do it, I am going to be sweating like an whore in the summer working for free).

Reviews go to:

Can both of you PM me with the URL of your money site and a list of keywords (anchor text) and deep links.

Balls...heh, heh, said balls...


Thanks tacobell! Ah'll be sure to give you a thorough reviewin' when you is done.
You got it!

We use animoto - the end of slideshows

To get a video done with no Animoto water mark you have to buy into their $249 membership.

Or you can pay $3 and just hack off the end in iMovie :) Not that I've ever done that or anything LOL

Not trying to ruin your hustle. It sounds like you have a good thing here and I may full well be using your services in the very near future.

Looking forward to mod review.
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