Link Checker


New member
Apr 18, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I am trying to find a program or site that I can load my list of purchased links into and see that they are still there. Any suggestions

Follow up question, can you tell me of something that will also tell me the anchor text on the link, so it looks at a URL tells me that my link is on the page and then tells me the anchor text associated with the link
Follow up question, can you tell me of something that will also tell me the anchor text on the link, so it looks at a URL tells me that my link is on the page and then tells me the anchor text associated with the link tells you the anchor text on the link.
Does this link checker check all links or just inbound links. I tried to run it but I think it showing only half of results..
It shows any type of link - internal or external. You can also use the link extractor maybe ???
Link Checker provide more accessibility. Web is a volatile, changing place. Pages and sites change, move and disappear daily, breaking important links in your site. Here‘s your chance to verify that your links are still valid.
I've used before and found it useful. I've never used Link Checker, but I'd like to check it out. I know I have some broken links on my site right now.
thank you
Follow up question, can you tell me of something that will also tell me the anchor text on the link, so it looks at a URL tells me that my link is on the page and then tells me the anchor text associated with the link

scrapebox will tell you anchor text of the link. sb still the one tool i would take with me if i was stranded on an seo island