link building automation


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Los Angeles
BTW.. automation threads have the best brains behind them.. so I figured I'd post my situation.

My automation question comes to link building.

Here's a site over view:

- site has 25 level 1 categories, and 3500 total
- current site has aprox 450,000 pages.. eventual total - 7,000,000

My initial thoughts are the following:

1.) Build custom script that daily updates with new pages, and autosubmit to RSS directories. This is the only way I really see this being a truly automated solution. Example "top 5 of the day" .. pulls 5 pieces of content randomizes.with content snips / spins

2.) Building out 25 niche category sites, and feeding spun content into the niche blog sites, then SEO ing each of the sites. (that could at least be managable)

3.) Link bait the content and have the web user do it for me. Working on this, but my only catch is only a portion of the content is unique(that has linking value) and the rest of it is..well really duplicate content that can be found elsewhere.

- Does anyone have any auto link building suggestions?

Have a list of rotating links on the front page (or top level categories) like your first thought. But do more than 5, otherwise your pages won't be indexed in 100 years. I assume the pages are pulled from a database. add an extra field for googlebot visited.

Then have a script recognize when a page was visited by googlebot and change the extra database field. Only show pages that haven't been visited on the front page.