Life in this crazy world

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
Crows flying by at the exact moment you're having certain thought, cars/trucks driving in a manner that almost seems like they're taunting you or they're "in your head" somehow, aircraft flying overhead at the wierdest times, phone calls, noises from your surroundings that seem to be exactly in tune with your feelings and thoughts... the list goes on... people's and animals energy but that's "normal"

I'm not alone on this this stuff is so wierd. I want to read about this stuff but I don't know exactly what it's called if termonology even exists for this type of stuff. It has to be something with the way the world works, energy, mother nature? I don't know it's crazy stuff and when I really get focused on it I'm off the fucking walls.

People have to somehow deal with this stuff on different levels I mean I'm a strong believer in the power of the mind it's just a matter of using it and not letting it use you. You ever have those days where you're like WOW I wish my head worked like this everyday? I mean I really don't want to start logging and tracking every single aspect of my life... I guess maybe that's my problem. I just need to break out of the "freestyle" and get into more "planning? tracking? split testing?" lol

Need input on this! I need to start learning about this and controlling this stuff. Maybe I'm nuts?

The illusion is that what you are perceiving is objective.. it is not.. your mind is constantly selecting what perceptions to admit.. you must free yourself from all perception in order to perceive all.. perceive nothing and all will be revealed.. like get off the coffee and start drinking tea..
What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?
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I want to read about this stuff but I don't know exactly what it's called if termonology even exists for this type of stuff. It has to be something with the way the world works, energy, mother nature? I don't know it's crazy stuff and when I really get focused on it I'm off the fucking walls.

Need input on this! I need to start learning about this and controlling this stuff. Maybe I'm nuts?

Coincidence or higher awareness?

I think what a lot of what you are describing ties into Metaphysics.

Research Metaphysics.

Also, here's an interesting place to look over:

Point of reference-Things happen in threes. We heard it so much that we could have the third thing happen in two days or 5 months (it doesn't matter) and we stop counting at three and begin counting again. Three being the point of reference.

It wouldn't be healthy to have everything in the environment become a point of reference.

Sure sign you are out of the "normal" range is that it interferes with life. Plus if you are coming to WF for help, you must be REALLY messed up!

Seriously........It might be something as simple as adult ADD where the part of your brain that is suppose to filter all the information around you or something serious like the beginning of mental illness (as stated above).

Maybe a chemical imbalance triggering what is happening. Yes, there are other people out there experiencing what you are. They try to self medicate with drugs and/or alcohol (to shut down the input before it drives them crazy) and end up with new problems.

I would suggest getting checked. Before hitting the Metaphysical trail, check the local mental health resources in your community.

What's important is what you think of it.

Of the two go with the 1st one - who seems to be dealing in facts.

If you're really looking for someone to help you understand what's going on, keep looking until you find someone who is listening to you more than they are talking. If they give you a standard form to fill out, then come back with a definite result and quickly categorize you, with a subscription of pills - leave.
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