Libertarians FTW!

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Forget Democrats, Forget Republicans, Ron Paul had it right!

"Mike Gravel up in this O, watch him crank and watch him roll.... "

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Ron Paul ftw.. I like Gravel too.. The video is a little too late for Gravel.
So is "siphoning votes" political speak for people not voting for the candidates that the mass media told them to vote for? :rolleyes:

Pretty much. In every election usually a third party candidate is 'blamed' for siphoning off votes and causing the 'loser' to lose.
Hey man, Ralph Nader was a totally legit candidate for presidency! :D

Is it just me, or is Obama Girl just turning into a Senatorial slut? Next she'll be dancing for Jeb Bush's run in 2012...
I mean, she's playing Twister with him in the clip!!!

Seriously though, how much does he shoot Gravel down? "Siphoning"??
FOX pushing an agenda much??¿
But yeah, it'd be nice to see people voting for a 3rd party for once. Both the Dems and Reps are too deeply indebt to the same power players.
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